Monday, January 30, 2012

Can anyone help with this?

This is for Australians( on the East Coast.) How do I get rid of mildew on my gardenias, without using chemicals?
Can anyone help with this?
The best non-chemical method to get rid of the mildew off your Gardenias is used washing machine water.

get a bucket of the water before your machine empties %26amp; poor it over the whole plant. For heavily affected areas gently rub the leaves (top %26amp; bottom) with a soft cloth soaked in the water.

I recycle my machine water %26amp; water my whole garden with it %26amp; since I started this, the mildew has completely disappeared

For Australian native plants be sure to use low or phosphate free laundry detergent.
Reply:Spray with liquid sulfur...You could also dust with sulfur, but the dust looks worse than the mildew does.
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