How do I catch Rotom pokemon pearl?
Visit the Old Chateau after obtaining the National Dex during the hours of 22:00 and 4:00, and then go into the room with the TV. Check out the TV and you might encounter Rotom (if not, try again later). (Only one.)
at Level(s): 15
Reply:use dusk balls and use scythers false swipe move it leaves ur opponent with 1 hp instead of killing it if its powerful enough Report It
Reply:You just have to wait until 8:00 PM and go back back to the TV!
Rotom is level 15 so dont make to strong of a pokemon battle it becuase you might kill it. You should also save before you battle it and stock up on ultra balls.
Happy catching!
Reply:go to the old chateau go in the room with the T.V. at night (9:00 - 4:59) and press a on the T.V. and TA DA
Reply:wrong place to ask that dude
Reply:You need to look at that TV late late at night! Um, also, you don't get the battle 'til after you have the National Dex.
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