Thursday, January 26, 2012

What was your hardest Sinnoh Gymleader to beat?

Anyone who playes Pokemon Diamond or Pearl, please give me your opinions!

I've beaten all of them, but the hardest ones for me was Maylene and Wake and Gardenia, Gardenia took me two tries to beat. The easiest ones to me was Byron and Fantina, Candice and Volkner, they all were pretty easy after Wake. I smoked Volkner with my Dialga, using Roar of Time. Give me your opinions!
What was your hardest Sinnoh Gymleader to beat?
I didn't really have a hard time with these gym leaders. Except Fatina. I didn't really have a great Pokemon that would have been strong against her Ghost Pokemon.
Reply:yes, fantina i had under lvled pokemon had to go through 3 times all the others were easy

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