If it were possible to create our own unique heaven, what would be the smells that floated around in it? Mine would be fresh laundry, gardenia, summertime, puppy breath and maybe a little skunk every now and again.
What would your heaven smell like?
Different rooms, or open spaces, each with different scents so that, I can move in and out and not become sensitized to my favorites.
Rooms would include... Lavendar, Jasmine, Earl Gray Tea, Melted Dark Chocolate, My wifes hair, my sons head when he was a baby, An Indian restaurant, mountain air, the air just after a fresh snowfall, Sushi, and the ability to add scents that I could just think of. :)
Reply:leather and chocolate, %26amp; Armani Black Code cologne
Reply:the smell right before the rain, beer, new car scent, natual smell of a women because women smell good and oranges
Reply:a bakery every thing form Cinnamon buns to apple pies hot crost bun .cakes. bread, backed goods.
Reply:sometimes fried chicken
sometimes ice cream
that's what my heaven smells like.
Reply:fresh mountain air, ocean breeze, and chocolate chip cookies...
Reply:White Shoulders perfume, brownies, cookies or bread baking, almost anything being cooked on stove top. Men's cologne, wine. Freshly powdered baby.
Reply:One of those pine tree car air freshners
Reply:My number one answer is my laundry, straight from the dryer. Mmm.
Reply:Pure air, no fumes, no chemicals and no odours. Just crisp clean unadulterated AIR.
Additionally, when I choose ... I'd also like
Jasmine - organic pure
Vanilla - Pure vanilla bean
Lime - pure and fresh
JUST Pure-fumes, Not perfumes
Thoughtful question =)
Reply:Whiskey, cigars, weed, women, ambergris, coffee, frying bacon, and broiled steaks....
Reply:A fresh ocean breeze, lavender, freshly cut grass after a rainfall. And men's cologne sniffed right off a warm neck.
Reply:It would smell green and fresh, like the inside of a greenhouse.
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