Hello gardeniagirl 07, I hope you see this question, I wanted to tell you that your answer to my baby doll question was so wonderful, and I wanted to give you best answer, but the one I gave it to, really hit home with me,,,,,and I had to give it to her,,,,but you put so much time and thought into your answer, I just wanted you to know, I really think your great, and you don't allow email, so I hope you get this message, and I hope you have a Merry Christmas,,,,,and to anyone else reading this, Merry Chistmas and a Happy New Year,,,,,its terrible how we have to sneak around to wish each other a Merry Christmas, I love all of my contacts....be safe, and happy? Love Judy
Have you ever noticed how gardenia's smell so good?
Hi, Sweet Judy!! And just what is your favorite flower, btw?
Yes, I did see this question when I logged into my Yahoo email this afternoon. I was really surprised to see a personal message left for me and that I guess is why you are called Sweet Judy!! I guess that my Yahoo Answer name makes it pretty obvious as to what one of my favorite flowers are, doesn't it? I have two gardenia bushes planted in my rose garden that bloom up a storm when it gets hot here, along with Honeysuckle and Jasmine vines, so in the spring when everything is blooming, it smells just absolutely divine in my backyard. Sometimes I have to force my gardenias to bloom a little sooner by fertilizing them a little earlier than what I am supposed to so I can get the combination of all of those fragrances at one time. The gardenias keep on blooming throughout most of the summer and they seem to like the heat
so I usually open our back bedroom window to let the smell of those flowers inside the house so I can enjoy them while I'm sitting with the a/c or fans running. It is just way too hot to sit outside after May passes to savor those smells. I guess I am what most people would classify as a flower, plant and tree
'nut' and I do my best to have something that blooms even in the dead of winter. In my front yard, I have some sort of plants that are native to the South that are blooming small, fringy, maroon flowers right now, even though I haven't bent down to get close enough to smell them. We have a mixture of some evergreen trees so they don't lose their leaves and the rest of them that aren't evergreens, all tend to drop their leaves about
November, which makes good mulch. Our lemon tree usually blooms about twice a year and I've got to get to the top of the tree (about 25 or 30 feet high) and get those lemons off my tree. I generally give big bags of lemons to family members and neighbors that like to cook with them or make lemonade.
After our teenager graduates from high school and we move to the country where we are going to have a new home built is when almost everyone in our new neighborhood is probably
going to call me the 'crazy flower lady at the end of the street.' LOL, I don't really mind it because it is kind of fitting. Better that than the mean, old hag that lives at the end of the street!
At that time, I will also have to get some more cats because I don't have any mousers right now -- only four legged canines. Since we will be living in a virtual forest (I only want to cut down enough trees to build our house and then plant some different exotic kinds of trees in our backyard to replace a few of the ones we will have to cut down). I will need a few cats to help control the rodents. And we will have to put some sort of fencing around our garden to keep the deer, squirrels, birds, possums, snakes, and whatever other kinds of "eyes" live in that forest at night, but where we will be out working in our gardens during the days. I've recently seen some really beautiful butterfly bushes that attract butterflies so I am going to get some of those to help cross pollinate some of our plants. It's going to be a lot of hard work, but we are really looking forward to getting out of the big city with all the traffic, air pollution, factories, shopping centers, and banks and dollar stores on every block. Enough of this kind of life...it's time to sit back, enjoy a slower paced life with fresh, clean air and not being jammed right up beside your neighbors. I've lived in the city most of my life and I prefer the country life to the bustling city life now. I've gotten my fill of big city life, so to speak. We will be living about 15 miles from the city, banks, hospitals, major grocery stores, shopping centers, and all that dreaded traffic, so it won't be like we're living in podunk-land. *winks*
I just got through making a home made lemon ice box pie and
I still have a fudge pecan pie baking in the oven now. Plus our
son was asking for something sweet for today so I made him something called "Cherries in the Snow." It's really easy to make because it consists of only 1 large can of cherry pie filling, 2 small cans of sweetened, drained pineapple chunks, some coconut, some Splenda, and about four huge, heaping spoonfuls of the Dairy Style Cool Whip all mixed together. Well, he's happy now that I made something quick and easy for him, so he can get his sweet fix for this afternoon. But I'm tired from being in the kitchen today, seriously cleaning our house yesterday, wrapping packages the day before that, and with me having chronic Rheumatoid and Osteo Arthritis, it makes life a lot slower and a little bit harder on me than life used to be. With things baking in the oven, it smells good around the house, but I still have to go back and make one more pie to take to my mother-in-law's house on Christmas Day. My hubby wants me to make another lemon ice box cream, but I kind of wanted to make something else, so we'll see what I actually wind up making. And I still have to finish cleaning up the kitchen...I tried loading the dishwasher as I went along, but I still need to put a few things away, clean and disinfect all of the countertops.
And Sweetie, don't worry about who you gave the best baby doll answer to...I just try to do for other people who aren't as fortunate as we are by seeing that their children have a very Merry Christmas. I don't expect for all of my answers to be the
very best answers, but I do try to put some thought into my answers, so they tend to be long. Not everyone wants to read that much and would prefer a shorter answer, but some folks
seem to like detailed answers, so I put on my thinking cap and give the questions some thought.
Have you checked your Yahoo Instant Messanger lately? I left a message on there for you as to how you could send me an email or contact me through Yahoo IM, if I'm logged on. If it isn't still there, I will be sure to send you another message so you will know how to get in touch with me. I just have to be careful about who I give my email addy out to because I don't want to make anyone mad or have some mischievious kiddo send me an email with a nasty old virus in it. But I will make sure that you can get leave an email for me. Well, my Sweet Judy, I'm going to go lie down for a while and take a nice nap before I have to resume some more cooking and the last of the cleaning in my kitchen this evening.
To the rest of you, I hope that all of you have a Happy Holiday Season and wonderful New Year. We celebrate Christmas in our house, but not everyone does, so that is why I try to make sure I include everyone in my holiday greetings by sending out a general wish that includes whatever holiday you happen
to celebrate. I hope all of you have a safe and happy time to spend with your loved ones and that you enjoy your time off.
Hugs to all of you! Be sure to check your Yahoo email or IM's to see if there is a message there for you, Sweet Judy!! Bye for now!!
Love and Best Wishes Sweet Judy,
Reply:That was very touching. I wish you and your family and loved ones a very Merry Chritmas and Happy New Year too.
Reply::) Merry Christmas Judy, and all my other friends, and those I don't know too..
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