I recently took advantage of a local nursery's sale featuring "you pay no sales taxes".
I bought rose bulbs at $11.55/bag, and violet bulbs at $13.65/bag, as well as some gardenia at $21.45, camellia at $30.03 and japanese maple at $50.05. The final bill came to $600.92.
How many gardenia did I buy?
Mensa Puzzle - Can you solve it? Explain your answer?
First you should factor the prices (in cents):
rose 1155 = 3*5*7*11
violet 1365 = 3*5*7*13
gardenia 2145 = 3*5*11*13
carmellia 3003 = 3*7*11*13
maple 5005 = 5*7*11*13
The important thing to note is that all of these prices have 4 of the 5 factors 3,5,7,11%26amp;13. Each is missing a different factor. Considering gardenia for example, the other four prices are divisible by 7. So we can divide the grand total (in cents) by 7 and get a good clue as to how many gardenia there are. 60092/7 = 8584 with a remainder of 4.
We need to find how many gardenia we need to buy to get a remainder of 4. It turns out if you buy 6 gardenia, the cost is $128.70. Dividing 12870 by 7 gives a remainder of 4.
This means that there must be either 6 or 13 gardenia. Similarly there are 10 or 23 bags of rose bulbs, 10 or 21 bags of violet bulbs, 4 or 9 carmellia and 2 or 5 japanese maples.
If we add up the price for the minimum of each we get 115.50+136.50+128.70+120.12+100.10 = 600.92. So we know that you purchased 10 rose bulbs, 10 violet bulbs, 4 carmellia, 2 japanese maples and 6 gardenia :-)
Reply:First, I'm assuming all purchases are whole numbers %26gt;0
Second. notice that the cents are $0.92. all the rest of the numbers end in $.05 any multiple of 5 ends in a 0 or a 5. so to make a "2" in the last digit, you have to have a multiple of the $30.03 number = 4x or 14x or 24x or 34x. etc... since 4 x 30.03 = 120.12, and 14 x 30.03 = 420.42 and 24 x 30.03 = 720.72 (which is more than the total), then the number of camellias you bought has to be either 4 or 14.
let's start with 14. if you bought 14 camellias, then you bought 600.92 -420.42 = $180.50 of everything else.
if that is the case, then you bought either 1, 2, or 3 japanese maples. let's start with 3. 3 x $50.05 = 150.15. leaving 30.35 for the rest. since 1 x 11.55+ 1 x 13.65 + 1 x 21.45 %26gt;30.35, you couldn't have bought 3 japanese maples (and 14 camellias). so the number must be 1 or 2. so let's try 2. 2 x 50.05 = 100.10 leaving 80.40 for the rest. so if again we assume 1 of each minimum, 1 x 11.55 + 1x13.65 x 1 x 21.45 = 46.65 which leaves $33.75 remaining. there are no combinations of 11.55, 13.65, and 21.45 that add to 33.75 so you couldn't have bought 14 camellias and 2 japanese maples. so let's try 1 maple....
600.92 - 14x30.03 - 1x 50.05 -1 x 11.55 - 1 x 13.65 - 1 x 21.45 = $83.80. so are there any multiples of 11.55, 13.65 and 21.45 that add to 83.80?
start with 21.45. 3 x 21.45 = 64.35 leaves 19.45. can't be that. 2 x 21.45 = 40.90. can't be that either. what about 1x 21.45 leaves $62.35. well in that case if we then say 4 x 13.65 = 54.6 leaving 7.75 (can't be) 3 x 13.65 = 40.95 leaving 21.4 (can't be because 21.4/11.55 does not equal integer) 2 x 13.65 = 27.3 leaving 35.05 (can't be. same reason). same for 1. leaves 48.7. 0 leaves 62.35.
Therefore, we could not have purchased 14 camillas. meaning we purchased 4 camillas..... whew.
now we know this....
the total price we spent for roses, violets, gardenias, and japanese maples = 600.92-120.12 = 480.80
We also know the max number of maples = 480.80 / 50.50 = 9 right?
so let's start there.....9 maples leaves 480.80 - 9x 50.50 = 30.35. since 1 x 11.55 + 1x 13.65 + 1 x 21.45%26gt; 30.35, it can't be 9......
let's try 8. 480.80 - 8x 50.05 = 80.40. since 1 x 11.55 + 1x 13.65 + 1 x 21.45 = 46.65, we have 33.75 left. since there are no combinations of 11.55, 13.65 and 21.45 that add to 33.75, 8 maples didn't work.
let's try 7. 480.80 - 7x 50.05 = 130.45. gThis is getting complicated.... so let's try this approach. notice that the values of 11.55 13.65 and 21.45 are all divisible by 5? hey they're also divisible by 3. ie they're divisible by 15....
if we let the number of roses = a, violets = b, gardenias = c, then the total cost = 11.55a + 13.65b + 21.45c. factor out 15 to get... 15x (.77a + .91b + 1.43c) so now if we say....
130.45 = 15x (.77a + .91b + 1.43c) and realize that the right side is 15 x ( a number in the form of $de.fg) = a number in form of $hi.jk, this is due to us multiplying by integers, the left side must therefore be divisible by 15. to get into the form $hi.jk. so since 130.45 / 15 = 8.69666666, this doesn't work. ie maples does not = 7
ok. for 6 maples we get 480.80 - 6x 50.05 = 180.50
since 180.50/15 = 12.033333, 6 doesn't work.
try five. same way...480.80 - 5x 50.05 = 230.55
230.55 = 15 x (.77a + .91b + 1.43c)
230.55/15 = 15.37 = .77a + .91b + 1.43c
so far so good. remember also that a =%26gt;1, b=%26gt;1 and c=%26gt;1. So the max can be is 9, if c=9, remainder is .82 and this doesn't fit. neither does 8. and so on. so this value of maples = 5, doesn't work either.
let's try 4. $480.80 - $4x 50.05 = 280.60. 280.60/15 = 18.70667 nope
maples = 3. $480.80 - $3x 50.05 = 330.65. 330.65/15 = 22.0433
maples = 2 $480.80 - $2x 50.05 = 380.70. and 380.70/15 = 25.38
this works so far.. hold that thought.
maples = 1. $480.80 - $1x 50.05 = 430.75. 430.75/15 = 28.7166666. so maples do not equal 1
whew. maples must = 2.....
now we know camellia = 4, maples = 2 remaining plants cost 380.70
380.70 / 15 = 25.38 = (.77a + .91b + 1.43c)
well. I know right off the bat that since a =%26gt;1, and b=%26gt;1, the (25.38 - .77 -.91)/1.43 = 16.6, therefore c%26lt;17 that's still a very complicated permutation problem... so if I look at .77 and .91, they are both divisible by 7. ie
25.38 = 7 x (.11a +.13b) + 1.43c. Ah ha... I have to find a value of c such that 25.38 - 1.43c = a number divisible by 7. so.....(keep in mind that c ranges from 1 to 16...)
25.38 - 1.43x1 = 23.95. nope
25.38 - 1.43x2 = 25.52. nope
25.38 - 1.43x6 = 16.80 ... 16.80/4 = 2.40 this works!
25.38 - 1.43x13 = 6.79 ... 6.79/4 = .97 this also works!
meaning c = 6 or c=13.....
if c =6, then (.11a+.13b) = 2.40. .11x10 = 110, and .13x 10 = .130. and this works......
a = 10, b =10, c = 6. camellia's = 4 and maples = 2
10 roses, 10 violets, 6 gardenias, 4 camellias and 2 japanense maples....
Reply:Mensa people sure aren't the brightest gardeners. Roses don't have bulbs.
Monday, January 30, 2012
What flower does Hawaii smell like?
I remember getting off of the plane, entering Hawaii, and immediately.. the air just smelled different! Floral, beautiful, sweet! But I don't know what flower that was.. I know it's white.. gardenia, magnolia, jasmine.. I'm at a total loss.. I don't know how those flowers smell.. has anyone been there, who can tell me??
What flower does Hawaii smell like?
Reply:well if you got layed right away you smelled those flowers. I don't remember what they are called.
What flower does Hawaii smell like?
Reply:well if you got layed right away you smelled those flowers. I don't remember what they are called.
I have a srub/flowering bush .The flowers hang up side down, they are yellow and very toxic whats it called?
These flowers smell kind of like gardenias
I have a srub/flowering bush .The flowers hang up side down, they are yellow and very toxic whats it called?
if it is in fact Brugmansia, this plant contains scoplamine and atropine.. atropine is what eye doctors drip into your eye to dialate the pupil during examinations. both of these compounds are anticholergenic drugs.. causing rapid heart beat, dry mouth, and hallucinations/delutions .. they basically make you dream while your awake. very toxic at high doses, and also prescribed to combat nausea or motion sickness in pill or skin patch form.
Reply:It is most likely a Brugmansia (if the flowers are pendulous). Also, your description of the scent gives it away...
Sometimes people incorrectly call them Datura, but I'm pretty sure that refers to the (often) white upright flowering type which is closely related to Brugmansia.
Reply:Consult a botanist.
Reply:yes, sounds like Brugmansia -- Angel's Trumpet -- very toxic
psoriasis treatment
I have a srub/flowering bush .The flowers hang up side down, they are yellow and very toxic whats it called?
if it is in fact Brugmansia, this plant contains scoplamine and atropine.. atropine is what eye doctors drip into your eye to dialate the pupil during examinations. both of these compounds are anticholergenic drugs.. causing rapid heart beat, dry mouth, and hallucinations/delutions .. they basically make you dream while your awake. very toxic at high doses, and also prescribed to combat nausea or motion sickness in pill or skin patch form.
Reply:It is most likely a Brugmansia (if the flowers are pendulous). Also, your description of the scent gives it away...
Sometimes people incorrectly call them Datura, but I'm pretty sure that refers to the (often) white upright flowering type which is closely related to Brugmansia.
Reply:Consult a botanist.
Reply:yes, sounds like Brugmansia -- Angel's Trumpet -- very toxic
Are there scents associated with angels?
One year ago today my grandfather passed away and my grandmother says that when she prays or is feeling bad (she is having trouble with her heart; short-winded) an overwhelming fragrance will come over her and she will feel better. I've heard of situations where people lose loved ones and afterwards still feel the loved one's presence. While feeling the presence they also smell a strong fragrance, such as Gardenia.
I explained this to my grandmother and thought that maybe my grandfather is still with her at times; Especially in times of need. Has anyone ever had this experience or heard of a situation like this?
Are there scents associated with angels?
I really wish that I could tell you that I think your grandfather is there with her, but I can’t.
The truth is that it might be in her head. Many times when someone thinks of a loved one they get past memories along with the thought. Some of those can be smells or tastes. Those memories can be so strong that they can think that they are smelling or tasting them at that very moment.
That fact that grandfather is no longer there, and that she misses him will make those memories come to the surface.
But please don’t tell your grandmother that. She needs to know that her grandfather cares about her. And that is all that matters.
Reply:since you are referring to mythical creatures -- no, they don't have a smell.
peter pan doesn't have an odor, either.
Reply:The Bible tells us that Heaven will be wonderful. A place where we are free from troubles, trials and worry. God has assigned angels to help guide us not people who have passed. I certainly would't want to know that my mother is in Heaven looking down on me worrying each time I screw up. I want her to be at peace!
Reply:They smell heavenly
Reply:It's God! :)
Reply:No Angels do not come in scents or flavors.No humans do not turn into Angels and No dead relatives can not come back.
Reply:Some folks are just idiots I am at times but your question seems sincere they have many sayings such as seeing a single butterfly in flight if it helps you to beleive do it and God bless all who beleive.
Reply:I don't know about smell, but I heard they taste like chicken...
Reply:It sounds like she farted to me. Big oder, then she feels better.
I explained this to my grandmother and thought that maybe my grandfather is still with her at times; Especially in times of need. Has anyone ever had this experience or heard of a situation like this?
Are there scents associated with angels?
I really wish that I could tell you that I think your grandfather is there with her, but I can’t.
The truth is that it might be in her head. Many times when someone thinks of a loved one they get past memories along with the thought. Some of those can be smells or tastes. Those memories can be so strong that they can think that they are smelling or tasting them at that very moment.
That fact that grandfather is no longer there, and that she misses him will make those memories come to the surface.
But please don’t tell your grandmother that. She needs to know that her grandfather cares about her. And that is all that matters.
Reply:since you are referring to mythical creatures -- no, they don't have a smell.
peter pan doesn't have an odor, either.
Reply:The Bible tells us that Heaven will be wonderful. A place where we are free from troubles, trials and worry. God has assigned angels to help guide us not people who have passed. I certainly would't want to know that my mother is in Heaven looking down on me worrying each time I screw up. I want her to be at peace!
Reply:They smell heavenly
Reply:It's God! :)
Reply:No Angels do not come in scents or flavors.No humans do not turn into Angels and No dead relatives can not come back.
Reply:Some folks are just idiots I am at times but your question seems sincere they have many sayings such as seeing a single butterfly in flight if it helps you to beleive do it and God bless all who beleive.
Reply:I don't know about smell, but I heard they taste like chicken...
Reply:It sounds like she farted to me. Big oder, then she feels better.
Plant has bugs?
I have a miniature Gardenia, and it has small white flecks of something on it...
Is it a parasite of some sort? How can this be cured?
Plant has bugs?
Sounds like Mealy Bugs, You can swab them off with a q-tip soaked in alcohol or spray with malathion. RScott
Reply:those specks are spidermites-- use ladybugs or try a solution of garlic water to spray on leaves
Reply:it might be aphids, kind of a poofy white bug. you can spray the plants with a little dawn mixed with water. sevin dust might work.you can spray 409 to kill fungus and it does not have to be washed off. i think it would kill the bugs too.
Is it a parasite of some sort? How can this be cured?
Plant has bugs?
Sounds like Mealy Bugs, You can swab them off with a q-tip soaked in alcohol or spray with malathion. RScott
Reply:those specks are spidermites-- use ladybugs or try a solution of garlic water to spray on leaves
Reply:it might be aphids, kind of a poofy white bug. you can spray the plants with a little dawn mixed with water. sevin dust might work.you can spray 409 to kill fungus and it does not have to be washed off. i think it would kill the bugs too.
Poem: Howard and the Details (Revision) Comments welcome. Please let me know what you think?
Well, Here's the new version. I hope it's better, and hasn't lost anything that worked before. Feedback welcome?
Howard and the Details
They never noticed
the details.
Jane Russell had
four nipples.
Peas were
different sizes.
Peaches were
dirty, dirty, dirty.
Germs crawl
all over your face,
hands, touch
food with those?
Make the peaches
They didn’t pay attention.
Bette Davis’ bed was covered
in orchids, not gardenias.
Tiny blisters on the palms?
Syphilis! No, film editing.
Mason jars—perfect for storing
urine, and TV
dinners should always
remove that soggy-cherry thing.
Peach cobbler is better.
They didn’t know
what to do.
Fix the blouse;
it’s an engineering problem.
Line them up
use a fork for perspective.
To prevent sores
Mop with lye.
Burn the double-breasted tuxedo,
and all white dinner jackets.
Remember old clothes
are more friendly.
And if I’m going
to eat those things?
Scrub off the label!
Clean the bare metal
of the can. Be careful
with the fork; don’t touch
anything else. Did you remember
to cover your hands
with six Kleenex (not five or seven)?
They didn’t notice. They didn’t listen.
And the damn plane was birch
not spruce.
Poem: Howard and the Details (Revision) Comments welcome. Please let me know what you think?
Well done my friend. This is an excellent revision. You caught the nature of his madness even more adeptly than before! I like the movie star references, it gives context for both the time period and the glamorous life he had before his descent. Did Jane Russell really have four nipples?
Reply:Well done, Todd. Kudos and gold starred!
Reply:What can I possibly say? I'm totally knocked over. This is fantastic. I've read it 3x. I love, peas were different sizes. Oh, there's so much I love about this poem.
Reply:short answer
i like it!
keep Writting!
Reply:Thinking there is more to be explored than anything else.
What a ripe subject and vast orchard to harvest.
Added: The book arrived this afternoon. :)
Reply:This keeps getting better. I love the way you juxtapose him with the "media him." Outstanding!
Reply:I enjoyed this piece greatly!
I am of the young old age and know of long nailed Howie.
You get a star from me.
Howard and the Details
They never noticed
the details.
Jane Russell had
four nipples.
Peas were
different sizes.
Peaches were
dirty, dirty, dirty.
Germs crawl
all over your face,
hands, touch
food with those?
Make the peaches
They didn’t pay attention.
Bette Davis’ bed was covered
in orchids, not gardenias.
Tiny blisters on the palms?
Syphilis! No, film editing.
Mason jars—perfect for storing
urine, and TV
dinners should always
remove that soggy-cherry thing.
Peach cobbler is better.
They didn’t know
what to do.
Fix the blouse;
it’s an engineering problem.
Line them up
use a fork for perspective.
To prevent sores
Mop with lye.
Burn the double-breasted tuxedo,
and all white dinner jackets.
Remember old clothes
are more friendly.
And if I’m going
to eat those things?
Scrub off the label!
Clean the bare metal
of the can. Be careful
with the fork; don’t touch
anything else. Did you remember
to cover your hands
with six Kleenex (not five or seven)?
They didn’t notice. They didn’t listen.
And the damn plane was birch
not spruce.
Poem: Howard and the Details (Revision) Comments welcome. Please let me know what you think?
Well done my friend. This is an excellent revision. You caught the nature of his madness even more adeptly than before! I like the movie star references, it gives context for both the time period and the glamorous life he had before his descent. Did Jane Russell really have four nipples?
Reply:Well done, Todd. Kudos and gold starred!
Reply:What can I possibly say? I'm totally knocked over. This is fantastic. I've read it 3x. I love, peas were different sizes. Oh, there's so much I love about this poem.
Reply:short answer
i like it!
keep Writting!
Reply:Thinking there is more to be explored than anything else.
What a ripe subject and vast orchard to harvest.
Added: The book arrived this afternoon. :)
Reply:This keeps getting better. I love the way you juxtapose him with the "media him." Outstanding!
Reply:I enjoyed this piece greatly!
I am of the young old age and know of long nailed Howie.
You get a star from me.
What is your favorite scent for your home.?
Who makes the best liquid potpourri in your opinion.
What is your favorite brand of candle.
Mine are Jasmine; Gardenia and Lilly.
What is your favorite scent for your home.?
Bath and Body Works has AMAZING oils and candles in most of the fragrances that you have listed!!! I know that is where I get all my stuff!!! They have the wall oil air freshners, candles, and of course all the lotion,wash, perfume and the like for your liking!!!! AND you can order on line!!!!!!! It is one of my favorite places to shop!!!=D
Magnolia Blossum
White Cherry Blossum
Jasmine and Water Lilly
Those are my fav's!!!
Reply:clean linen and lavender
Reply:I don't use liquid potpourri.
I LOVE Yankee and PartyLite candles.
I like caramel, baked apple pie, sweet pea and some vanilla scents.
Reply:I love cinnamon %26amp; apple scent during the fall/ winter and vanilla in the spring/ summer. This doesn't even sound good, I agree, lol, but my all-time favorite candle is Aunt Polly's pecan pie scent, the brand is Dreamer's. (They are VERY strong.) http://www.dreamerscandles.com/SearchRes...
Reply:lavender, its calming
Reply:I use wax melts. My faves are apple/cinnamon or vanilla. It smells like I'm always baking. :)
Reply:cucumber and melon
Glade candles
Reply:i love the berry scents,fruits and citrus. nothing too perfumey - i also like the crisp linen smell,fresh and clean. also - good old febreeze in awesome!
Reply:My wife just bought a candle called "My Boyfriends Shirt" by the Newport Candle Co. from Oregon (bought on vacation). We let it burn last night for about 4 hours, and it smell just like one of my colognes! Its crazy!
Other than that, we usually go for apple or cucumber melon.
Reply:i'm a big fan of citrus scents!
Reply:I love Tahitian Vanilla candles and liquid oil from Target.
What is your favorite brand of candle.
Mine are Jasmine; Gardenia and Lilly.
What is your favorite scent for your home.?
Bath and Body Works has AMAZING oils and candles in most of the fragrances that you have listed!!! I know that is where I get all my stuff!!! They have the wall oil air freshners, candles, and of course all the lotion,wash, perfume and the like for your liking!!!! AND you can order on line!!!!!!! It is one of my favorite places to shop!!!=D
Magnolia Blossum
White Cherry Blossum
Jasmine and Water Lilly
Those are my fav's!!!
Reply:clean linen and lavender
Reply:I don't use liquid potpourri.
I LOVE Yankee and PartyLite candles.
I like caramel, baked apple pie, sweet pea and some vanilla scents.
Reply:I love cinnamon %26amp; apple scent during the fall/ winter and vanilla in the spring/ summer. This doesn't even sound good, I agree, lol, but my all-time favorite candle is Aunt Polly's pecan pie scent, the brand is Dreamer's. (They are VERY strong.) http://www.dreamerscandles.com/SearchRes...
Reply:lavender, its calming
Reply:I use wax melts. My faves are apple/cinnamon or vanilla. It smells like I'm always baking. :)
Reply:cucumber and melon
Glade candles
Reply:i love the berry scents,fruits and citrus. nothing too perfumey - i also like the crisp linen smell,fresh and clean. also - good old febreeze in awesome!
Reply:My wife just bought a candle called "My Boyfriends Shirt" by the Newport Candle Co. from Oregon (bought on vacation). We let it burn last night for about 4 hours, and it smell just like one of my colognes! Its crazy!
Other than that, we usually go for apple or cucumber melon.
Reply:i'm a big fan of citrus scents!
Reply:I love Tahitian Vanilla candles and liquid oil from Target.
What are your Favorite Scents?
Mine are....
Vanilla Brown Sugar
What are your Favorite Scents?
Cherry blossoms
My kids when they were babies and just had a bath.
Reply:Vanilla, vanilla brown sugar and cucumber verbena... love them all!!
Reply:As far as food goes? This being asked in food %26amp; drink I'm guessing so. Mine are vanilla, the smell of freshly baked creme brulee or sugar cookies, and the smell of bacon frying.
Apple pie
Reply:vanilla, and there might be more, just can't think of them right now.
Decent makeup brandseveryday eyeshadow
Vanilla Brown Sugar
What are your Favorite Scents?
Cherry blossoms
My kids when they were babies and just had a bath.
Reply:Vanilla, vanilla brown sugar and cucumber verbena... love them all!!
Reply:As far as food goes? This being asked in food %26amp; drink I'm guessing so. Mine are vanilla, the smell of freshly baked creme brulee or sugar cookies, and the smell of bacon frying.
Apple pie
Reply:vanilla, and there might be more, just can't think of them right now.
Decent makeup brands
Plant Problem?
My gardenia plant has little brown spots on all of its leaves, and i don't know what is wrong... any plant experts out there know what is going on?
Plant Problem?
Assuming your gardenias are not radicans, Gardenias require shady locations. If the plant is in full sun and you water the leaves, then it could be leaf burn. More than likely, it sounds like you have a fungal problem. Spray with some Otho's daconil and it'll clear up the problem. Don't water the leaves, it encourages fungi to grow.
Reply:might be suffering from mineral deficiency
Reply:Going on your description,it's spider mite or European mite spray with a systemic insecticide, It will need to be repeated .
Reply:if the little brown dots come off when u scratch them it is scale, use pest oil/ white oil to remove
Reply:Could be what is commonly known as 'rust', which is a fungi. Any local hardware or plant store will carry the appropriate fungicide to treat the problem - just follow the instructions to the letter.
Reply:Sounds as if it might be a fungus... Check out this website:
Reply:nutrient deficiencies - talk to someone at the local hardware/nursery shop
Reply:Not much information to go on. Your best bet might be to take a sample to your local Cooperative Extension Office or Master Gardener plant clinic. A reputable local plant nursery might also have somebody on staff who could help you identify the problem. Be prepared to discuss any recent changes in plant culture--water, fertilizing--and any recent chemical applications by you or your neighbors
Reply:Have you been watering your gardenia from above where moisture can come in contact with the foliage?
Because this can lead to leaf spot diseases.
The site below will give you some useful information on Gardenia's
Reply:Spray with insecticide soap bought at Wal-mart or Lowes, check and make sure there is no ant bed around the bottom of it. Add a good scoop of potting soil around it. I use stay-green on mind and have beautiful ones.
Plant Problem?
Assuming your gardenias are not radicans, Gardenias require shady locations. If the plant is in full sun and you water the leaves, then it could be leaf burn. More than likely, it sounds like you have a fungal problem. Spray with some Otho's daconil and it'll clear up the problem. Don't water the leaves, it encourages fungi to grow.
Reply:might be suffering from mineral deficiency
Reply:Going on your description,it's spider mite or European mite spray with a systemic insecticide, It will need to be repeated .
Reply:if the little brown dots come off when u scratch them it is scale, use pest oil/ white oil to remove
Reply:Could be what is commonly known as 'rust', which is a fungi. Any local hardware or plant store will carry the appropriate fungicide to treat the problem - just follow the instructions to the letter.
Reply:Sounds as if it might be a fungus... Check out this website:
Reply:nutrient deficiencies - talk to someone at the local hardware/nursery shop
Reply:Not much information to go on. Your best bet might be to take a sample to your local Cooperative Extension Office or Master Gardener plant clinic. A reputable local plant nursery might also have somebody on staff who could help you identify the problem. Be prepared to discuss any recent changes in plant culture--water, fertilizing--and any recent chemical applications by you or your neighbors
Reply:Have you been watering your gardenia from above where moisture can come in contact with the foliage?
Because this can lead to leaf spot diseases.
The site below will give you some useful information on Gardenia's
Reply:Spray with insecticide soap bought at Wal-mart or Lowes, check and make sure there is no ant bed around the bottom of it. Add a good scoop of potting soil around it. I use stay-green on mind and have beautiful ones.
I just caught a Ponyta, which is 1 of my fav Pokemon.Should I keep it in my party? Which 1 should be replaced?
I just caught a Ponyta on Pokemon Diamond, and I'd like to add it to my party but I'm not sure which one to replace it with.
At this point of the game, I just beat Gardenia and am heading to Route 211.
Here is my current party:
Psyduck - Level 18
Staravia - Level 20
Geodude - Level 17
Prinplup - Level 18
Budew - Level 18
Luxio - Level 16
I'm thinking Luxio would be the best to take out of my party (Even though I am quite fond of it).
Which one would be the best to take out to replace with Ponyta? Why?
Thanks :)
I just caught a Ponyta, which is 1 of my fav Pokemon.Should I keep it in my party? Which 1 should be replaced?
Take your Luxio out, especially if Ponyta is way stronger than Luxio. Or if you're extremely fond of your Luxio, put Ponyta in place of Psyduck since you already have a water Pokemon in your party. Just be sure to train your Luxio until its level has caught up with all your other Pokemon.
Reply:I also think Luxio should be taken out of your team.
At this point of the game, I just beat Gardenia and am heading to Route 211.
Here is my current party:
Psyduck - Level 18
Staravia - Level 20
Geodude - Level 17
Prinplup - Level 18
Budew - Level 18
Luxio - Level 16
I'm thinking Luxio would be the best to take out of my party (Even though I am quite fond of it).
Which one would be the best to take out to replace with Ponyta? Why?
Thanks :)
I just caught a Ponyta, which is 1 of my fav Pokemon.Should I keep it in my party? Which 1 should be replaced?
Take your Luxio out, especially if Ponyta is way stronger than Luxio. Or if you're extremely fond of your Luxio, put Ponyta in place of Psyduck since you already have a water Pokemon in your party. Just be sure to train your Luxio until its level has caught up with all your other Pokemon.
Reply:I also think Luxio should be taken out of your team.
Are Gardenias toxic to horses?
My horse recently had symptoms similar to poisoning and I noticed the gardenia plant had been defoliated. Wondering if this is what caused it?
Are Gardenias toxic to horses?
i have a book on poisonous plants for horses and gardenias aren't on the list. the plants they list are goldechain tree, ragwort,sorghum, oak, acorns, deadly nightshade, buttercup, flax, bracken, locoweed, potato, st. john's wort, horsetail, and yew. i hope this helps .
Reply:Google it...! I hope they aren't! Good Luck!
Reply:i dont think they are but im not 100%. maybe you could ring your vet and ask
Are Gardenias toxic to horses?
i have a book on poisonous plants for horses and gardenias aren't on the list. the plants they list are goldechain tree, ragwort,sorghum, oak, acorns, deadly nightshade, buttercup, flax, bracken, locoweed, potato, st. john's wort, horsetail, and yew. i hope this helps .
Reply:Google it...! I hope they aren't! Good Luck!
Reply:i dont think they are but im not 100%. maybe you could ring your vet and ask
my gardenia plant got burned in the snow do I need to cut it back all the way to the ground or what should I do I love that plant thanks in advance
Just pull off any dead leaves and allow the branches to remain intact until you can tell what is dead wood and what is still growing. Once you can tell that this Spring, trim off the dead wood and you'll be fine. Just don't fertilize it while it's blooming...that makes it drop all it's flowers and buds at once.
Reply:You should cut it just before the bottom branch
safety shoes
Just pull off any dead leaves and allow the branches to remain intact until you can tell what is dead wood and what is still growing. Once you can tell that this Spring, trim off the dead wood and you'll be fine. Just don't fertilize it while it's blooming...that makes it drop all it's flowers and buds at once.
Reply:You should cut it just before the bottom branch
safety shoes
Hawaiian Tuberose?
Has any one ever had success with aTuberose or Gardenia plant in a cold climate without the help of a H lgt?
Thank you-
Hawaiian Tuberose?
Impossible, this is also known as Maui Tuberose and needs a warm climate to survive..?
Thank you-
Hawaiian Tuberose?
Impossible, this is also known as Maui Tuberose and needs a warm climate to survive..?
Growing gardenias?
my gardenias start to get buds then the buds turn brown and fall off bfore they ever bloom. What are they lacking? Iron, acidic soil? I live in northern California and they do get some sun. Please advise is anyone knows there gardenias better than I
Growing gardenias?
I have a beautiful gardenia in Colorado.
In my experience, The buds turn brown and fall off if it's too dry, or too hot. I've had very good blooms and plant health with a humidity tray under it, daily watering, and monthly fertilizing with a product from Gardensalive! for flowering houseplants.
It grows in bright indirect or filtered light.
I have found the humidity and watering are the biggest issues for this plant. It likes a rich, humusy soil.
Good luck!
Reply:get some miracle grow--
put a little dish liquid water on them.
try not to get the buds wet.
Reply:Good luck! I live in Illinois and I've been fighting with mine for over a year and half now.
I looked them up on Google and found out they don't like direct sunlight. They prefer filtered light. They also do not care for overly warm or dry environments. If you want it to bloom it has to remain in a certain temperature range. The range though I've forgotten. It's very unrealistic for my climate so I forgot. Something about cooler evening temps I do recall. Google it and you will find lots of info.
Oh, and it is an acidic plant. Don't use normal plant foods on it.
Mine has done best in my bathroom (for the humidity) and the diffused light. It actually made it through the winter without dropping most of it's leaves like it did last winter.
I put it out on my covered front porch in a corner that gets little if any direct sunlight. I water it every other day and mist it as often as I think about it. It has grown well and become green and lush, but no blooms. :(
Reply:Gardenias do like acidic soil. You may take a sample of your soil to your nearest full service nursery or agricultural extension office. they can test it and tell you what you may be lacking.
Good luck!!
Growing gardenias?
I have a beautiful gardenia in Colorado.
In my experience, The buds turn brown and fall off if it's too dry, or too hot. I've had very good blooms and plant health with a humidity tray under it, daily watering, and monthly fertilizing with a product from Gardensalive! for flowering houseplants.
It grows in bright indirect or filtered light.
I have found the humidity and watering are the biggest issues for this plant. It likes a rich, humusy soil.
Good luck!
Reply:get some miracle grow--
put a little dish liquid water on them.
try not to get the buds wet.
Reply:Good luck! I live in Illinois and I've been fighting with mine for over a year and half now.
I looked them up on Google and found out they don't like direct sunlight. They prefer filtered light. They also do not care for overly warm or dry environments. If you want it to bloom it has to remain in a certain temperature range. The range though I've forgotten. It's very unrealistic for my climate so I forgot. Something about cooler evening temps I do recall. Google it and you will find lots of info.
Oh, and it is an acidic plant. Don't use normal plant foods on it.
Mine has done best in my bathroom (for the humidity) and the diffused light. It actually made it through the winter without dropping most of it's leaves like it did last winter.
I put it out on my covered front porch in a corner that gets little if any direct sunlight. I water it every other day and mist it as often as I think about it. It has grown well and become green and lush, but no blooms. :(
Reply:Gardenias do like acidic soil. You may take a sample of your soil to your nearest full service nursery or agricultural extension office. they can test it and tell you what you may be lacking.
Good luck!!
How to get rid of?
i have planted flowers mainly roses and gardenia in my back yard but i have two stray cats that keep spraying my plants how do i keep them away from my plants its killing them
How to get rid of?
How to get rid of?
I got a gardenia plant when I was in the hospital back like 3 or 4 years ago. Well it's just now getting blooms on it. Why is it just now getting blooms after so many yrs?
maybe it got better sunlight now or more water to survive. plants usualy grow when they get something that they need like in that case it was more water or more sunlight or more shade
Reply:You have probably placed the plant where it receives more sunlight than before. The areas where they receive more sunshine will alllow them to bloom and you may also have an area where they receive more water than in the past.
Park Hotel Ahrensburg
maybe it got better sunlight now or more water to survive. plants usualy grow when they get something that they need like in that case it was more water or more sunlight or more shade
Reply:You have probably placed the plant where it receives more sunlight than before. The areas where they receive more sunshine will alllow them to bloom and you may also have an area where they receive more water than in the past.
Park Hotel Ahrensburg
Coffee Grounds?
I read that you can use Azalea fertilizer on Gardenias. I also read that Azalea's do well with coffee grounds. Would that hold true to Gardenia's then? I live in So. Cal. inland.
Coffee Grounds?
What you're looking at is two plants that require an acidic soil. Coffee and, therefore, the grounds are slightly acidic. That's why coffee grounds help the soil for Azaleas and Gardenias. They also provide organic matter that the plants can use when they decompose.
Reply:It's a good way to get rid of your coffee grounds, that's for sure. I've heard that coffee grounds will not work as a fertilizer. Maybe if you use unused coffee grounds, that might work, but then you get your flowers addicted to caffeine, and then you will have to water them with coke.
Coffee Grounds?
What you're looking at is two plants that require an acidic soil. Coffee and, therefore, the grounds are slightly acidic. That's why coffee grounds help the soil for Azaleas and Gardenias. They also provide organic matter that the plants can use when they decompose.
Reply:It's a good way to get rid of your coffee grounds, that's for sure. I've heard that coffee grounds will not work as a fertilizer. Maybe if you use unused coffee grounds, that might work, but then you get your flowers addicted to caffeine, and then you will have to water them with coke.
Pruning Gardenias?
when is the best time to prune gardenias,i live inland on the costa blanca
Pruning Gardenias?
3am while wearning nothing but a deerstalker
Reply:before the rainy season
Reply:Now is Good time when the sap of the plant is low. Be for the weather starts to get warmer.
Good luck cut back to new BUDS
Reply:Gardenias should be pruned AFTER they bloom. If you prune now you will be cutting off the buds that were set after last year's bloom.
Reply:after they bloom
makeup show
Pruning Gardenias?
3am while wearning nothing but a deerstalker
Reply:before the rainy season
Reply:Now is Good time when the sap of the plant is low. Be for the weather starts to get warmer.
Good luck cut back to new BUDS
Reply:Gardenias should be pruned AFTER they bloom. If you prune now you will be cutting off the buds that were set after last year's bloom.
Reply:after they bloom
Do gardenias thrive in zone 7?
Hardiness Zones: 7b to 10
Habit: Evergreen
Growth Rate: Moderate
Site Requirements: Sun to partial shade; acidic, moist, well-drained soil high in organic matter
Happy Gardening!
Habit: Evergreen
Growth Rate: Moderate
Site Requirements: Sun to partial shade; acidic, moist, well-drained soil high in organic matter
Happy Gardening!
Gardenias in Texas?
I am considering getting Gardenias here in Texas. I live in Houston where it's pretty humid. I do have adequate shade for Gardenias. I have a court-yard/patio area. Is it advisable to grow gardenias in a clay pot? I also read that the blooms are consistent, that the flowers bloom up until the end of the blooming season? Is this true? I dont want to have flowers that bloom for one week and not bloom for the rest of the year. Any suggestions?
Gardenias in Texas?
Dude, Gardenias can grow in almost any climate and soil condition. If you move them to clay pots apply the water to the drain bowl. Don't water at the soil. You can mist them once a day, but do this in the morning. Your plants are obviously conditioned for humidity so take extra care with them. Try not to mist directly on the flowers as this will cause them to wilt sooner.
Reply:Yes you can grow them in pots they need very rich soil with good drainage and the like acidic soil. They can bloom for a couple of months and they need some afternoon (not morning) shade to keep the flowers from being scorched. Remember they are heavy feeders so you will have to fertilize a lot.
Below is a link to help you get started.
If you mix your own soil try to include coffee grinds and sand and some composted pine shavings.
Fertilizer for acid loving plants
Reply:I think it will work.
Clay pots are fine in humid areas. Otherwize they loose alot of water from evaporation.
My Mom's gardenia (SoCal) blooms for a couple months. I think it can depend on the cultiar, and ofcourse on the care and feeding.
Reply:You can grow just about anything in Houston. Gardenias want full sun, prefer to be planted in the ground, Epsom salts sprinkled around the drip line and watered in supply acidic environment they love. Gardenias set next season's flower buds after blooming. The blooms last 1-2 weeks. The'll root in water or by placing a branch on the ground and weigh down with a brick (or something similar.)
good luck
Reply:grow in shade because gardenias love cool weather. they do best on the west and east coast excluding florida.
i do not know if it will bloom there because of the warmth. although there foilage is nice, the blomms are the best.
maybe a camillea is the best for you.
they bloom the first few weeks of spring. there are veireties as well that bloom all summer, all winter Ect..
here is a link to a common camellia that blooms in the spring.( they can tollerate heat)
roots rain
Gardenias in Texas?
Dude, Gardenias can grow in almost any climate and soil condition. If you move them to clay pots apply the water to the drain bowl. Don't water at the soil. You can mist them once a day, but do this in the morning. Your plants are obviously conditioned for humidity so take extra care with them. Try not to mist directly on the flowers as this will cause them to wilt sooner.
Reply:Yes you can grow them in pots they need very rich soil with good drainage and the like acidic soil. They can bloom for a couple of months and they need some afternoon (not morning) shade to keep the flowers from being scorched. Remember they are heavy feeders so you will have to fertilize a lot.
Below is a link to help you get started.
If you mix your own soil try to include coffee grinds and sand and some composted pine shavings.
Fertilizer for acid loving plants
Reply:I think it will work.
Clay pots are fine in humid areas. Otherwize they loose alot of water from evaporation.
My Mom's gardenia (SoCal) blooms for a couple months. I think it can depend on the cultiar, and ofcourse on the care and feeding.
Reply:You can grow just about anything in Houston. Gardenias want full sun, prefer to be planted in the ground, Epsom salts sprinkled around the drip line and watered in supply acidic environment they love. Gardenias set next season's flower buds after blooming. The blooms last 1-2 weeks. The'll root in water or by placing a branch on the ground and weigh down with a brick (or something similar.)
good luck
Reply:grow in shade because gardenias love cool weather. they do best on the west and east coast excluding florida.
i do not know if it will bloom there because of the warmth. although there foilage is nice, the blomms are the best.
maybe a camillea is the best for you.
they bloom the first few weeks of spring. there are veireties as well that bloom all summer, all winter Ect..
here is a link to a common camellia that blooms in the spring.( they can tollerate heat)
roots rain
Do gardenias, magnolias ang carnations have meanings or sentiments?????? what are their meanings?
Yes they do.
Gardenias mean 'I love you in secret'
Magnolias mean dignity and splendid beauty
Carnations are a little more complicated and depend on the colour of the flower...
Carnation as a whole means fascination
A pink carnation is an emblem of Mothers Day and means I will never forget you
A purple carnation signifies antipathy and capriciousness
A red carnation signifies admiration, my heart aches for you
A striped carnation means No, Sorry, I cannot be with you
A white carnation means pure love, sweet love, innocence
and a yellow carnation is for disdain and rejection
Do gardenias, magnolias ang carnations have meanings or sentiments?????? what are their meanings?
For a future reference /I always like to bookmark
Language of Flowers from A to D
L to N
The link below has a plethora of meanings as well
Gardenias mean 'I love you in secret'
Magnolias mean dignity and splendid beauty
Carnations are a little more complicated and depend on the colour of the flower...
Carnation as a whole means fascination
A pink carnation is an emblem of Mothers Day and means I will never forget you
A purple carnation signifies antipathy and capriciousness
A red carnation signifies admiration, my heart aches for you
A striped carnation means No, Sorry, I cannot be with you
A white carnation means pure love, sweet love, innocence
and a yellow carnation is for disdain and rejection
Do gardenias, magnolias ang carnations have meanings or sentiments?????? what are their meanings?
For a future reference /I always like to bookmark
Language of Flowers from A to D
L to N
The link below has a plethora of meanings as well
Can gardenias be grown from cuttings?
Certainly! They grow roots like a Philodendron or pothos does....if you don't want to cut the stems, you can also pull branches down, cover them with soil and peat moss. or compost and grow roots while they are still attached to the bush! Crepe Myrtles will also root from cuttings.
First, cut plants back when they are dormant. This will allow the stems to "heal their wounds" when the plants aren't actively growing. This way you can still enjoy flowers the next year. When pruning, don't cut all the leaves off. Some leaves need to be left so the plant can still produce food for the root system. The following spring, use an acidic fertilizer with chealeted iron and high nitrogen so the plant can produce healthy leaves and buds. If you only want your plant to become bushier, simply pinch out the tips while the plant is dormant. Pinching will usually promote a heavier bloom the following year
Can gardenias be grown from cuttings?
You're welcome and thank you! Gardener's always know the best dirt! Report It
Reply:Yes, they certainly can. I've done it all my life. Just break off a small shoot near the bottom of the bush, and put it in a glass of water. It will eventually grow roots.
First, cut plants back when they are dormant. This will allow the stems to "heal their wounds" when the plants aren't actively growing. This way you can still enjoy flowers the next year. When pruning, don't cut all the leaves off. Some leaves need to be left so the plant can still produce food for the root system. The following spring, use an acidic fertilizer with chealeted iron and high nitrogen so the plant can produce healthy leaves and buds. If you only want your plant to become bushier, simply pinch out the tips while the plant is dormant. Pinching will usually promote a heavier bloom the following year
Can gardenias be grown from cuttings?
You're welcome and thank you! Gardener's always know the best dirt! Report It
Reply:Yes, they certainly can. I've done it all my life. Just break off a small shoot near the bottom of the bush, and put it in a glass of water. It will eventually grow roots.
Can anyone help with this?
This is for Australians( on the East Coast.) How do I get rid of mildew on my gardenias, without using chemicals?
Can anyone help with this?
The best non-chemical method to get rid of the mildew off your Gardenias is used washing machine water.
get a bucket of the water before your machine empties %26amp; poor it over the whole plant. For heavily affected areas gently rub the leaves (top %26amp; bottom) with a soft cloth soaked in the water.
I recycle my machine water %26amp; water my whole garden with it %26amp; since I started this, the mildew has completely disappeared
For Australian native plants be sure to use low or phosphate free laundry detergent.
Reply:Spray with liquid sulfur...You could also dust with sulfur, but the dust looks worse than the mildew does.
clown mask
Can anyone help with this?
The best non-chemical method to get rid of the mildew off your Gardenias is used washing machine water.
get a bucket of the water before your machine empties %26amp; poor it over the whole plant. For heavily affected areas gently rub the leaves (top %26amp; bottom) with a soft cloth soaked in the water.
I recycle my machine water %26amp; water my whole garden with it %26amp; since I started this, the mildew has completely disappeared
For Australian native plants be sure to use low or phosphate free laundry detergent.
Reply:Spray with liquid sulfur...You could also dust with sulfur, but the dust looks worse than the mildew does.
Help with yellowing Gardenias?
I have planted a couple of gardenias from 2 gallon pots, they were doing ok, even bloomed but now they have lost most of their leaves and the new ones coming out yellow and fall off. I have tried Iron and other fertilizers, but to no avail Help!!!!
Help with yellowing Gardenias?
I have a Certificate as a Master Gardener, and Horticulture was my major in college.
The condition you describe with your gardenias sounds like "chlorosis." The plants are in need of NITROGEN.
Give them an acidic fertilizer, such as is used specifically for Azaelas and rhododendrons. Gardenias need an acidic soil.
Your gardenias need a lot of TLC at this point. Here's what I would do for them:
1) Make sure they are in indirect light, or at least where they can get about 3 hours of shade per day.
2) Water them well BEFORE applying high-nitrogen fertilizer, and water them well AFTER applying the high-nitrogen fertilizer.
3) Since they are already stressed, do not prune them.
4) Do not give them anything except high-nitrogen fertilizer until green leaves come back and fill the plant. Once recovery has taken place, feed only high-nitrogen according to package instructions. Bandini and Vigoro are the best brands. Do not give them iron---they are chlorotic and need NITROGEN. Gardenias like to have used coffee grounds worked lightly into the soil, if you can manage it, once a week.
I hope it's not too late for your gardenias. If it is, buy a couple more plants and start over the right way. Give them a high-nitrogen fertilizer from the start.
I sincerely hope this helps.
Reply:Probable too much watering -- I love gardinas-- mom and dad had a huge bush in back of the house and the fragrance was outstanding... We Lived in Toledo Ohio
Reply:Check that your soil is acidic. Gardenias simply cannot uptake nutrients from an alkaline soil. A good feed every three weeks with an acidic food will help them. They also yellow as they age.
If the leaves are yellow, they need iron chelate.
Reply:Use good soil. Treat the soil with fertilizer for gardinias. Unlike most plants, they need special soil with acid. Water well but the soild is the key. They need full sun to bloom well, otherwise you will have a nice green plant and no flowers.
Reply:Where do you live? What is the weather like there now, and is that 'normal' for this time of year, or warmer or colder? The gardenia is a TROPICAL plant that doesn't do well as an outdoor plant in most of the U.S. I've seen some growing in the 'greener' parts of Southern California, and have heard they grow well in Georgia and Alabama, but that's about the ONLY places they do well. Your leaves are falling off, and your flowers are yellow and falling off because your bushes are either getting way too much water or not nearly enough water. They also need a good deal of 'shade' ... Gardenias don't do well in 'full sunlight' at all, and usually getting two hours of full sun is 'too much' if it's not 'morning sun.' Unfortunately, Gardenias also HATE being 'moved' ... and it's that moving that may be responsible for the plants doing 'well' at first then 'going bad' on you. If they die over the winter, buy some more plants, but keep them indoors as house plants, and once you put them in a spot (be sure it's a 'good spot' DO NOT MOVE THEM again! They'll thrive and bloom every OTHER year for at least ten years, and I've had one that lasted 20 ... but Gardenias are 'difficult to grow' even for most 'professional gardeners' ... try planting a Camellia with white flowers instead. They don't have much 'aroma' but they look nearly the same and are MUCH hardier as an outdoor plant.
Gardenias are sensitive to high salt levels in the soil which results from using hard water and fertilisers. To prevent salt buildups, do not over fertilize and periodically leach the soil with rain water to wash out excess salts. Gardenia plants require to be fed through spring, summer and autumn with Azalea %26amp; Camellia food.
Yellow leaves
One of the most ask questions about Gardenias is the yellowing of older leaves in late winter and spring. This is usually a sign that the plant is moving its magnesium to the new growth. In the beginning of spring feed with Epsom Salts (Magnesium sulphate) will usually solve this problem.
To avoid getting other nutrients out of balance, only apply Epsom Salts no more than once a year.
Gardenia plants that are healthy will grow vigorously and are less likely to be affected by fungus problems. Planted in an ideal position, kept mulch and well fertilised regularly, will help most gardenias to stay robust. Always keep a close examination of the plants and deal with problems as soon as they materialize.
Reply:Actually gardenias are very hard to grow. We usually enjoy them one summer, throw them out, buy new ones the next summer.
Click this link:
massage shoes
Help with yellowing Gardenias?
I have a Certificate as a Master Gardener, and Horticulture was my major in college.
The condition you describe with your gardenias sounds like "chlorosis." The plants are in need of NITROGEN.
Give them an acidic fertilizer, such as is used specifically for Azaelas and rhododendrons. Gardenias need an acidic soil.
Your gardenias need a lot of TLC at this point. Here's what I would do for them:
1) Make sure they are in indirect light, or at least where they can get about 3 hours of shade per day.
2) Water them well BEFORE applying high-nitrogen fertilizer, and water them well AFTER applying the high-nitrogen fertilizer.
3) Since they are already stressed, do not prune them.
4) Do not give them anything except high-nitrogen fertilizer until green leaves come back and fill the plant. Once recovery has taken place, feed only high-nitrogen according to package instructions. Bandini and Vigoro are the best brands. Do not give them iron---they are chlorotic and need NITROGEN. Gardenias like to have used coffee grounds worked lightly into the soil, if you can manage it, once a week.
I hope it's not too late for your gardenias. If it is, buy a couple more plants and start over the right way. Give them a high-nitrogen fertilizer from the start.
I sincerely hope this helps.
Reply:Probable too much watering -- I love gardinas-- mom and dad had a huge bush in back of the house and the fragrance was outstanding... We Lived in Toledo Ohio
Reply:Check that your soil is acidic. Gardenias simply cannot uptake nutrients from an alkaline soil. A good feed every three weeks with an acidic food will help them. They also yellow as they age.
If the leaves are yellow, they need iron chelate.
Reply:Use good soil. Treat the soil with fertilizer for gardinias. Unlike most plants, they need special soil with acid. Water well but the soild is the key. They need full sun to bloom well, otherwise you will have a nice green plant and no flowers.
Reply:Where do you live? What is the weather like there now, and is that 'normal' for this time of year, or warmer or colder? The gardenia is a TROPICAL plant that doesn't do well as an outdoor plant in most of the U.S. I've seen some growing in the 'greener' parts of Southern California, and have heard they grow well in Georgia and Alabama, but that's about the ONLY places they do well. Your leaves are falling off, and your flowers are yellow and falling off because your bushes are either getting way too much water or not nearly enough water. They also need a good deal of 'shade' ... Gardenias don't do well in 'full sunlight' at all, and usually getting two hours of full sun is 'too much' if it's not 'morning sun.' Unfortunately, Gardenias also HATE being 'moved' ... and it's that moving that may be responsible for the plants doing 'well' at first then 'going bad' on you. If they die over the winter, buy some more plants, but keep them indoors as house plants, and once you put them in a spot (be sure it's a 'good spot' DO NOT MOVE THEM again! They'll thrive and bloom every OTHER year for at least ten years, and I've had one that lasted 20 ... but Gardenias are 'difficult to grow' even for most 'professional gardeners' ... try planting a Camellia with white flowers instead. They don't have much 'aroma' but they look nearly the same and are MUCH hardier as an outdoor plant.
Gardenias are sensitive to high salt levels in the soil which results from using hard water and fertilisers. To prevent salt buildups, do not over fertilize and periodically leach the soil with rain water to wash out excess salts. Gardenia plants require to be fed through spring, summer and autumn with Azalea %26amp; Camellia food.
Yellow leaves
One of the most ask questions about Gardenias is the yellowing of older leaves in late winter and spring. This is usually a sign that the plant is moving its magnesium to the new growth. In the beginning of spring feed with Epsom Salts (Magnesium sulphate) will usually solve this problem.
To avoid getting other nutrients out of balance, only apply Epsom Salts no more than once a year.
Gardenia plants that are healthy will grow vigorously and are less likely to be affected by fungus problems. Planted in an ideal position, kept mulch and well fertilised regularly, will help most gardenias to stay robust. Always keep a close examination of the plants and deal with problems as soon as they materialize.
Reply:Actually gardenias are very hard to grow. We usually enjoy them one summer, throw them out, buy new ones the next summer.
Click this link:
massage shoes
Do vegetables retain their nutritional value when pickled?
If I empty my gardenia jar or hot mix jar can I add fresh veggies and still get the food value after they are cured by the vinegar?
Do vegetables retain their nutritional value when pickled?
Veggies and fruits always have more nutrients the fresher they are. Pickling preserves them, and you loose a little of the nutrients, but not much.
Reply:if eaten fresh or if cured properly you do not loose much nutritional value
Do vegetables retain their nutritional value when pickled?
Veggies and fruits always have more nutrients the fresher they are. Pickling preserves them, and you loose a little of the nutrients, but not much.
Reply:if eaten fresh or if cured properly you do not loose much nutritional value
I need to know some things about flowers?
I need to know the sun preference, fertilizing frequency and watering frequency of white roses, Canterbury bells, Daffodils, Azaleas, Hydrangas, Lavenders, Heathers, and Gardenias
I need to know some things about flowers?
Go to %26lt;%26gt;http://www.garden.org%26gt;
You can enter your zip code and then look up the plants and all the info is there for you. They will even send you bulletins about gardening in your region.
Reply:Go to a website called "recipezaar" and go to the community section and talk with either "Iron bloomers" or a "Jim". I'm on there too as "Chef Guruow".
Reply:One book. The Garden Book. Looks like thick dictionary. Has section on everything you can think of..including zoning, light requirements, fertilization and a section devoted to tons of plant species and cultivars. Can be purchased at Lowes or Home Depot.. or maybe even found at used book store.
I need to know some things about flowers?
Go to %26lt;%26gt;http://www.garden.org%26gt;
You can enter your zip code and then look up the plants and all the info is there for you. They will even send you bulletins about gardening in your region.
Reply:Go to a website called "recipezaar" and go to the community section and talk with either "Iron bloomers" or a "Jim". I'm on there too as "Chef Guruow".
Reply:One book. The Garden Book. Looks like thick dictionary. Has section on everything you can think of..including zoning, light requirements, fertilization and a section devoted to tons of plant species and cultivars. Can be purchased at Lowes or Home Depot.. or maybe even found at used book store.
I need ideas for my tattoo please help?
i want a gardenia to represent my grandma scince its her favorite flower and i dont know how to mix it or put it together with something to represent my grandpa. he loved playing his guitar and singing. Both my grandparent went to church all the time too. Any ideas??? Oh and it needs to be small to fit on my pelvic (hip) area.
I need ideas for my tattoo please help?
get an acoustic guitar with a gardenia covering the sound hole. You could also get a cross set behind the guitar and maybe the years of thier births and deaths.
I think you've got a wonderful idea going. I"m about to be doing a hummingbird tattoo in rememberance of my grandmother who dies a few years ago.
best of luck to you.
Reply:you said small..???? how small???
just an idea....
a church in background...a musical note and gardenia flower came out from the guitar (symbolized your grandpa singing to your grandma)...using the classic style....
the design is going from your left hip to your right.....a horizontal.
did you get it...????
if you want to ask... feel free to contact me.
god luck...
Reply:if you go to a tattoo artist and tell him the same thing he will draw out some ideas for you. just do something with a gardenia next to a guitar or a gardenia wrapped around an old school mic. just go to a shop =]
I need ideas for my tattoo please help?
get an acoustic guitar with a gardenia covering the sound hole. You could also get a cross set behind the guitar and maybe the years of thier births and deaths.
I think you've got a wonderful idea going. I"m about to be doing a hummingbird tattoo in rememberance of my grandmother who dies a few years ago.
best of luck to you.
Reply:you said small..???? how small???
just an idea....
a church in background...a musical note and gardenia flower came out from the guitar (symbolized your grandpa singing to your grandma)...using the classic style....
the design is going from your left hip to your right.....a horizontal.
did you get it...????
if you want to ask... feel free to contact me.
god luck...
Reply:if you go to a tattoo artist and tell him the same thing he will draw out some ideas for you. just do something with a gardenia next to a guitar or a gardenia wrapped around an old school mic. just go to a shop =]
Yellow leaves on my gardenias I live on the Gold Coast in Queensland Australia?
I have found that yellow leaves on my plants usually means they are lacking in some important nutrient. Since I do not Know your soil type there it would be most helpful for you to see your local nursery-man, perhaps if you were to take a leaf from your plant and a small soil sample, he would be able to be more precise.
Yellow leaves on my gardenias I live on the Gold Coast in Queensland Australia?
This is an old fashion remedy but it works and quite quickly ,epsom salts disolved in water and then sprinled over plant ,
Reply:Yellow leaves on a gardenia means the plant is in need of magnesium. My mother used to dissolve Epsom Salts (hydrated magnesium sulfate) in water in a watering can and pour on her gardenias. It works too.
Problem - Gardenia leaves are turning yellow.
Solution - Place some magnesium-rich fetitliser close to its roots. Within a couple of weeks the leaves should start to turn green (instead of sickly yellow). The plant should also begin flowering.
From my gardening bible, The Yates Garden Guide.
Australia's bestselling practical gardening guide.
First published in 1895.
(I have the latest edition.)
Happy gardening!
Reply:I'm on the goldcoast to and my gardenia also has a few yellow leaves. I'm sure that has happened before and they just fall off and more grow but mine is due for a bit of a prune so I will do that and throw a bit of feed around
height increasing shoestopical cream
Yellow leaves on my gardenias I live on the Gold Coast in Queensland Australia?
This is an old fashion remedy but it works and quite quickly ,epsom salts disolved in water and then sprinled over plant ,
Reply:Yellow leaves on a gardenia means the plant is in need of magnesium. My mother used to dissolve Epsom Salts (hydrated magnesium sulfate) in water in a watering can and pour on her gardenias. It works too.
Problem - Gardenia leaves are turning yellow.
Solution - Place some magnesium-rich fetitliser close to its roots. Within a couple of weeks the leaves should start to turn green (instead of sickly yellow). The plant should also begin flowering.
From my gardening bible, The Yates Garden Guide.
Australia's bestselling practical gardening guide.
First published in 1895.
(I have the latest edition.)
Happy gardening!
Reply:I'm on the goldcoast to and my gardenia also has a few yellow leaves. I'm sure that has happened before and they just fall off and more grow but mine is due for a bit of a prune so I will do that and throw a bit of feed around
height increasing shoes
What scent should I wear for the first day of school?
I have too many to decide by myself, haha. I can spray something on or just wear lotion, but I'm not sure which scent..
body sprays/perfumes: (all are bat%26amp;body works)
warm vanilla sugar
pear blossom
cherry blossom
red currant and thyme tea
white cherry blossom
melon cooler (bath%26amp;body works)
alluring apple (bath%26amp;body works)
grapefruit kiss (victoria's secret)
pink grapefruit shimmer lotion (bath%26amp;body works)
What scent should I wear for the first day of school?
melon cooler! for sure!
Reply:grapefruit kiss :)
Reply:white cherry blossom smells sooo good!
just dont get warm vanilla sugar...it smells too sweet like a sugar cookie.it doesnt smell very good.=/
but deff. get white cherry blossom.%26lt;3
Reply:Skunk its good to go
Reply:grapefruit kiss i love victoria secret perfumes!!!!
Reply:Sounds fruity! lol i would go w/ cucumber melon x It smells great!
Reply:Those are all very headache-y body sprays. Theyre not even perfumes!!! Lotion scent or body spray wont stay for a long time. Maybe for like 30minutes.
Reply:Do either the grapefruit kiss(MUAH!!!) body lotion or do the warm vinialla sugar body spry, but dont do both together, WHAT a mess!!!
body sprays/perfumes: (all are bat%26amp;body works)
warm vanilla sugar
pear blossom
cherry blossom
red currant and thyme tea
white cherry blossom
melon cooler (bath%26amp;body works)
alluring apple (bath%26amp;body works)
grapefruit kiss (victoria's secret)
pink grapefruit shimmer lotion (bath%26amp;body works)
What scent should I wear for the first day of school?
melon cooler! for sure!
Reply:grapefruit kiss :)
Reply:white cherry blossom smells sooo good!
just dont get warm vanilla sugar...it smells too sweet like a sugar cookie.it doesnt smell very good.=/
but deff. get white cherry blossom.%26lt;3
Reply:Skunk its good to go
Reply:grapefruit kiss i love victoria secret perfumes!!!!
Reply:Sounds fruity! lol i would go w/ cucumber melon x It smells great!
Reply:Those are all very headache-y body sprays. Theyre not even perfumes!!! Lotion scent or body spray wont stay for a long time. Maybe for like 30minutes.
Reply:Do either the grapefruit kiss(MUAH!!!) body lotion or do the warm vinialla sugar body spry, but dont do both together, WHAT a mess!!!
How to get rid of caterpillars???
Can anyone help?I have a infestation of caterpillars on my gardenia plants ,any household tips of how to get rid of them??Anything to spray on them,maybe??
How to get rid of caterpillars???
If you are in fact sure that it is caterpillars that are causing the damage, which you more than likely have seen, one of the safest products on the market is "Bacillus thuringiensis" better known as (BT) for short. BT is a bacterium commonly found in nature as a normal resident of the soil. It comes in many forms, several of which are used as biological pest control agents on food crops, including organically grown foods. The BT variety "kurstaki" or Btk, makes a crystal which affects moth larvae or caterpillars. In order to work, the bacterium must be eaten by the caterpillar. The conditions that are needed to activate the Btk are found only in the stomach of moth and butterfly caterpillars. These needed conditions are "not" found in animals, birds, and other desirable insects such as bees, beetles, and spiders or for that matter, the human race! You can pick this product up, at any leading garden center for a nominal fee, which is a small price to pay if you want to safely rid your gardenia of these chomping pests. It comes in a powdered or a liquid form, both of which are safe and easy to use. Hope this answers your question, along with giving you a little insight as to just what this product is and does. Best of luck!
**Billy Ray**
Reply:Spray them with soap and water...........Or you could wait long enough and they will turn into butterflies!!!! (yes, both are true answers)
Reply:boric acid works for me
Reply:The only way that I've found that works is to search for them and pick them off. Normally you will be able to find them by tracing them back from where they've left their poo, which is normally black lumps on the leaves below where they've been feeding.
Reply:A spray that contains "Neem Oil" or "Oil of Neem".
I use "Garden Safe Brand" Fungicide3
(I KNOW! It says "Fungicide" but it gets rid of plant fungis and pests...)
Neem Oil is from the African Neem Tree and it is used in everything from Fungicides for your plants to Human Tooth Paste...
It won't harm your pets or your plants but should chase away the bugs so you can use it indoors and out.
GREAT stuff!
Reply:wait till their butterflys and they will fly away!!!
Reply:Go hammer crazy on them. Put a few of their corpses up on toothpicks to scare the other one's away.
How to get rid of caterpillars???
If you are in fact sure that it is caterpillars that are causing the damage, which you more than likely have seen, one of the safest products on the market is "Bacillus thuringiensis" better known as (BT) for short. BT is a bacterium commonly found in nature as a normal resident of the soil. It comes in many forms, several of which are used as biological pest control agents on food crops, including organically grown foods. The BT variety "kurstaki" or Btk, makes a crystal which affects moth larvae or caterpillars. In order to work, the bacterium must be eaten by the caterpillar. The conditions that are needed to activate the Btk are found only in the stomach of moth and butterfly caterpillars. These needed conditions are "not" found in animals, birds, and other desirable insects such as bees, beetles, and spiders or for that matter, the human race! You can pick this product up, at any leading garden center for a nominal fee, which is a small price to pay if you want to safely rid your gardenia of these chomping pests. It comes in a powdered or a liquid form, both of which are safe and easy to use. Hope this answers your question, along with giving you a little insight as to just what this product is and does. Best of luck!
**Billy Ray**
Reply:Spray them with soap and water...........Or you could wait long enough and they will turn into butterflies!!!! (yes, both are true answers)
Reply:boric acid works for me
Reply:The only way that I've found that works is to search for them and pick them off. Normally you will be able to find them by tracing them back from where they've left their poo, which is normally black lumps on the leaves below where they've been feeding.
Reply:A spray that contains "Neem Oil" or "Oil of Neem".
I use "Garden Safe Brand" Fungicide3
(I KNOW! It says "Fungicide" but it gets rid of plant fungis and pests...)
Neem Oil is from the African Neem Tree and it is used in everything from Fungicides for your plants to Human Tooth Paste...
It won't harm your pets or your plants but should chase away the bugs so you can use it indoors and out.
GREAT stuff!
Reply:wait till their butterflys and they will fly away!!!
Reply:Go hammer crazy on them. Put a few of their corpses up on toothpicks to scare the other one's away.
What is the prettiest FLOWER?
I have a 33yr. old daughter her name is Ayanna her name means BEAUTIFUL FLOWER in the Afican language of Swahilli, I want to present her with some beautiful flowers for mothers days from her children. what is a beautiful flower? in your opinion?
NOT: Roses, Gardenias,Sunflowers, but something UNIQUE and Different that discribes her, Unique and Different in her own self way she is also kind but sorta mean in a good way...
Some description yeah!!!!!
What is the prettiest FLOWER?
Lillies are lovely, but always remind me of funerals for some reason.
Orchids are unique and beautiful. And some species are African. Iris are lovely.
Just for fun, I did a quick search and found these links for African flowers.
Visit a florist and see what catches your eye. You know her personality best!
Reply:thanks everybody..i brought her a Tulip plant although I wanted to get her the orchids they were a bit out of my $$$range..She enjoyed them anyway..... Report It
Reply:I like the Calla Lily, Phalaenopsis Orchid, Phalaenopsis Spray, and Stephanotis flowers.
Those in my opinion are the prettiest flowers.
Hope it helps!!!
Reply:Bird of Paradise - my alltime favorite unique flower
Reply:Hydrangea and lily of the valley.
I used to always get a bouquet of hydrangea from my grandmother growing up. It made me feel like such a little lady :)
Peonies are also beautiful.
Reply:Orchids are my favorite. Followed by Antheriums.There sexy and a little risque.They come in red, pink and white. I won't describe why, cause I'll get a violation
Reply:Lillies maybe? I've always thought those are really pretty. And they are unique.
NOT: Roses, Gardenias,Sunflowers, but something UNIQUE and Different that discribes her, Unique and Different in her own self way she is also kind but sorta mean in a good way...
Some description yeah!!!!!
What is the prettiest FLOWER?
Lillies are lovely, but always remind me of funerals for some reason.
Orchids are unique and beautiful. And some species are African. Iris are lovely.
Just for fun, I did a quick search and found these links for African flowers.
Visit a florist and see what catches your eye. You know her personality best!
Reply:thanks everybody..i brought her a Tulip plant although I wanted to get her the orchids they were a bit out of my $$$range..She enjoyed them anyway..... Report It
Reply:I like the Calla Lily, Phalaenopsis Orchid, Phalaenopsis Spray, and Stephanotis flowers.
Those in my opinion are the prettiest flowers.
Hope it helps!!!
Reply:Bird of Paradise - my alltime favorite unique flower
Reply:Hydrangea and lily of the valley.
I used to always get a bouquet of hydrangea from my grandmother growing up. It made me feel like such a little lady :)
Peonies are also beautiful.
Reply:Orchids are my favorite. Followed by Antheriums.There sexy and a little risque.They come in red, pink and white. I won't describe why, cause I'll get a violation
Reply:Lillies maybe? I've always thought those are really pretty. And they are unique.
How to find pokemon rotom?
i have national dex already..
i went back to old cheteau at 12 midnight
i've talked to gardenia outside the mansion before i go inside.
i checked on the tv
it just said "there's an odd feeling as if someone is staring at you"
but rotom did not come out.
anything i miss here? is there a specific time or day of the week that i have to go inside to check the TV?
a little help please. thanks
How to find pokemon rotom?
rotom doesnt always appear, but keep trying until it does... that happened to me, but after a couple of times, it appeared. also, you have to check the tv between 12:00 and 12:30
Reply:Hello! This Is A Freakin Kid Game, At Midnight!!!!???? Report It
bucked teeth
i went back to old cheteau at 12 midnight
i've talked to gardenia outside the mansion before i go inside.
i checked on the tv
it just said "there's an odd feeling as if someone is staring at you"
but rotom did not come out.
anything i miss here? is there a specific time or day of the week that i have to go inside to check the TV?
a little help please. thanks
How to find pokemon rotom?
rotom doesnt always appear, but keep trying until it does... that happened to me, but after a couple of times, it appeared. also, you have to check the tv between 12:00 and 12:30
Reply:Hello! This Is A Freakin Kid Game, At Midnight!!!!???? Report It
bucked teeth
Cedar tree with white bud like things growing, and sweet bush. I live in Alabama.?
We have 2 huge Cedar trees growing well in our yard, but one of them this year is covered with white bud like looking things, and the branches are looking very dry compared to the other.
I had a neighbor with the sweetest smelling bush many years ago, not a gardenia, he said it was a sweet bush, anybody know what it could have been and were I could get one?
Cedar tree with white bud like things growing, and sweet bush. I live in Alabama.?
If the flowers were white, my guess is it was a mock orange they bloom after lilacs and have a very strong sweet smell. They tend to get rather scruffy looking after awhile.
You should have someone look at your tree it may be infested with an insect like the gypsy moth. I would google gypsy moth see if there are pictures showing what an infestation looks like and compare it to your tree.
facial oil
I had a neighbor with the sweetest smelling bush many years ago, not a gardenia, he said it was a sweet bush, anybody know what it could have been and were I could get one?
Cedar tree with white bud like things growing, and sweet bush. I live in Alabama.?
If the flowers were white, my guess is it was a mock orange they bloom after lilacs and have a very strong sweet smell. They tend to get rather scruffy looking after awhile.
You should have someone look at your tree it may be infested with an insect like the gypsy moth. I would google gypsy moth see if there are pictures showing what an infestation looks like and compare it to your tree.
Should you prune gardenias? If so, what time of year?
Prune gardenias after they bloom. Once the blooms die the plant sets buds for the next spring's bloom. If you prune during fall or winter you will be removing any flowers that were set -- no flowers in spring. (Cuttings will root in water.)
Fertilize with Epsom salts and water in with Miracle Gro. Stop and smell the gardenias!
Should you prune gardenias? If so, what time of year?
the best time for pruning most type of garden plants is Autumn.
Reply:http://www.thegardenhelper.com/index.htm... check that out.
Reply:they do react well to pruning, do it after the plants flower and fertilise well
Fertilize with Epsom salts and water in with Miracle Gro. Stop and smell the gardenias!
Should you prune gardenias? If so, what time of year?
the best time for pruning most type of garden plants is Autumn.
Reply:http://www.thegardenhelper.com/index.htm... check that out.
Reply:they do react well to pruning, do it after the plants flower and fertilise well
Anyone ever see such a thing?
i have these big red ants that live in my gardenias??
Anyone ever see such a thing?
If they bite you (red ants) they can be very, very serious bites. Spray and get rid of them. I had Peonies (sp) very close to the walls when we moved here and ants were everywhere...got rid of them all except for a few no where near the house, sprayed the house perimeter and no more ants. Some flowers just attract them. Ants hate borax and so I just bought a box in the laundry section and pour it all around my house perimeter once a year to keep the bugs far away and now there's hardly any bugs around. The soil is clay so it stays moist between plants and there are lots of snails and pill bugs and centipedes...but the ant problem is gone now. Onto the next pest....
Reply:Hmm. No.
Reply:If you live in the south your red ants could be Fire Ants. They call them fire ants cause when they sting you, it feels like you are on fire. Try to follow them back to their ant hill. It is usually big as a truck tire, don't get too close and run and call a exterminator ASAP.
Reply:yeah, there are. Nothing new buddy.
Reply:My best guess is they are there to eat something else that is living in the Gardenias.
Reply:depending on where u live it could be fire ants
need to exterminate
Anyone ever see such a thing?
If they bite you (red ants) they can be very, very serious bites. Spray and get rid of them. I had Peonies (sp) very close to the walls when we moved here and ants were everywhere...got rid of them all except for a few no where near the house, sprayed the house perimeter and no more ants. Some flowers just attract them. Ants hate borax and so I just bought a box in the laundry section and pour it all around my house perimeter once a year to keep the bugs far away and now there's hardly any bugs around. The soil is clay so it stays moist between plants and there are lots of snails and pill bugs and centipedes...but the ant problem is gone now. Onto the next pest....
Reply:Hmm. No.
Reply:If you live in the south your red ants could be Fire Ants. They call them fire ants cause when they sting you, it feels like you are on fire. Try to follow them back to their ant hill. It is usually big as a truck tire, don't get too close and run and call a exterminator ASAP.
Reply:yeah, there are. Nothing new buddy.
Reply:My best guess is they are there to eat something else that is living in the Gardenias.
Reply:depending on where u live it could be fire ants
need to exterminate
What is your favorite scent/smell?
Is it a flower, food,thing/object,place, herb,person,spice, or anything else?
Like is it cotton candy, raspberry, freshly mown grass, peanut butter, pizza,strawberries, buttered toast,vanilla, chocolate, freshly washed clothes, peppermint,spearmint, lemons, oranges, gardenias,cinnamon ,chicken, plumerias, apples....ect.
In other words~
What is the most heavenly scent that has enticed your nostrils?
What is your favorite scent/smell?
Jasmine, rose and lavender.
Reply:the stench of death
Reply:Fresh rain falling
Reply:Grandma's Kitchen
Reply:The smell of my own farts.
Oddly enough, other people's farts smell bad.
I must be special.
Reply:pink grapefruit - without competition!
Reply:Roses and lilacs--home made bread baking in the oven--Old Spice mens cologne--
Reply:i like the after-rain fresh air!
Reply:Vanilla! =) Yumm, love it.
I also love the smell of just-washed clothes
okay thats kinda weird i only just read your list of examples and saw both of mine on there.. how unoriginal of me lol! but i still love my favourite smells
EDIT: Ooh i just remembered. When i wake up at night with a headache and go downstairs, i open the front door to pouring rain. its the best feeling ever and the smell is fantastic.
Rain + Night = Heaven!
Reply:There are different scents that enticed my nostrils at different time. I depends on my moods, on my emotional state. For example, there are times, I enjoy very much the scent of orange ginger, other times the scent of vanilla. Sometimes Cinnamon. There are times, it can be simply, the scent of a baked potato when you burst it open.
Reply:Coconut and vanilla.
Reply:An apple pie in the oven.
Reply:My all time favorite scent is the aroma of the woman that I hold close to my heart. Thanks for reminding me today about how much I love who I love.
Reply:Heres a different one: real italian pizzas =]
Reply:hmm i like vanilla and coca butter. omg coca butter smells so good!
Reply:odd question, but i like the freshly mowed grass smell lol
Reply:The smell of wet sand....with the first few drops of rain is really amazing..
Reply:Jasmine and sandalwood.
Or fresh baked bread hot out of the oven.
Reply:vanilla %26amp; lavendar smells wonderful!=)
Kung Fu school
Like is it cotton candy, raspberry, freshly mown grass, peanut butter, pizza,strawberries, buttered toast,vanilla, chocolate, freshly washed clothes, peppermint,spearmint, lemons, oranges, gardenias,cinnamon ,chicken, plumerias, apples....ect.
In other words~
What is the most heavenly scent that has enticed your nostrils?
What is your favorite scent/smell?
Jasmine, rose and lavender.
Reply:the stench of death
Reply:Fresh rain falling
Reply:Grandma's Kitchen
Reply:The smell of my own farts.
Oddly enough, other people's farts smell bad.
I must be special.
Reply:pink grapefruit - without competition!
Reply:Roses and lilacs--home made bread baking in the oven--Old Spice mens cologne--
Reply:i like the after-rain fresh air!
Reply:Vanilla! =) Yumm, love it.
I also love the smell of just-washed clothes
okay thats kinda weird i only just read your list of examples and saw both of mine on there.. how unoriginal of me lol! but i still love my favourite smells
EDIT: Ooh i just remembered. When i wake up at night with a headache and go downstairs, i open the front door to pouring rain. its the best feeling ever and the smell is fantastic.
Rain + Night = Heaven!
Reply:There are different scents that enticed my nostrils at different time. I depends on my moods, on my emotional state. For example, there are times, I enjoy very much the scent of orange ginger, other times the scent of vanilla. Sometimes Cinnamon. There are times, it can be simply, the scent of a baked potato when you burst it open.
Reply:Coconut and vanilla.
Reply:An apple pie in the oven.
Reply:My all time favorite scent is the aroma of the woman that I hold close to my heart. Thanks for reminding me today about how much I love who I love.
Reply:Heres a different one: real italian pizzas =]
Reply:hmm i like vanilla and coca butter. omg coca butter smells so good!
Reply:odd question, but i like the freshly mowed grass smell lol
Reply:The smell of wet sand....with the first few drops of rain is really amazing..
Reply:Jasmine and sandalwood.
Or fresh baked bread hot out of the oven.
Reply:vanilla %26amp; lavendar smells wonderful!=)
Kung Fu school
Someone just gave me some sweet smelling gardenias from her yard...?
can this be rooted so I can plant a bush in my backyard?
Someone just gave me some sweet smelling gardenias from her yard...?
Actually, yes, you can. What you want to do, though, is keep them in your vase till the flower droops and dies. Then, cut off the flower, re-cut the base, dip in rooting hormone, and plant in a small pot with good potting soil...Also used are vermiculite and perlite. The medium should drain well but not dry out too quickly. To root any kind of semi-hardwood cuttings, I usually place the pot in a ziplok type bag, ensureing that it stays moist while growing roots.
Here's a great site to tell exactly how: http://www.mobilecamellia.org/Camellia%2...
Reply:ABSOLUTELY!! I have done it a million times. You CAN use rooting harmone, but it isn't absolutely necessary. Just place the cutting (minus it's flowers) in moist soil. Make sure it doesn't dry out completely. When you see new growth, you know your cutting has developed roots.
Reply:yes. you can root them in small pots and then transfer them once they are fairly good sized.
Someone just gave me some sweet smelling gardenias from her yard...?
Actually, yes, you can. What you want to do, though, is keep them in your vase till the flower droops and dies. Then, cut off the flower, re-cut the base, dip in rooting hormone, and plant in a small pot with good potting soil...Also used are vermiculite and perlite. The medium should drain well but not dry out too quickly. To root any kind of semi-hardwood cuttings, I usually place the pot in a ziplok type bag, ensureing that it stays moist while growing roots.
Here's a great site to tell exactly how: http://www.mobilecamellia.org/Camellia%2...
Reply:ABSOLUTELY!! I have done it a million times. You CAN use rooting harmone, but it isn't absolutely necessary. Just place the cutting (minus it's flowers) in moist soil. Make sure it doesn't dry out completely. When you see new growth, you know your cutting has developed roots.
Reply:yes. you can root them in small pots and then transfer them once they are fairly good sized.
Are gardenias poison to butterflies?
We hatched butterflies from caterpillars and now want to give them some sugar water on a flower. I have gardenias but did not know if they are harmful to butterflies
Are gardenias poison to butterflies?
No they are not poisonous to butterflies. here is link that might be of interest. http://butterfly.ucdavis.edu/doc/garden/...
cosmetics company
Are gardenias poison to butterflies?
No they are not poisonous to butterflies. here is link that might be of interest. http://butterfly.ucdavis.edu/doc/garden/...
What flower does Hawaii smell like?
I remember getting off of the plane, entering Hawaii, and immediately.. the air just smelled different! Floral, beautiful, sweet! But I don't know what flower that was.. I know it's white.. gardenia, magnolia, jasmine.. I'm at a total loss.. I don't know how those flowers smell.. has anyone been there, who can tell me??
What flower does Hawaii smell like?
hmm....look through the links and see if any ring a bell...
you're probably smelling the flowers they make leis from...which are mostly orchids...and explaining it in words isn't the same as smelling them in person...soooo
hope you still have nice memories, eh?!
Reply:By all means you're welcome...Aloha!! Report It
What flower does Hawaii smell like?
hmm....look through the links and see if any ring a bell...
you're probably smelling the flowers they make leis from...which are mostly orchids...and explaining it in words isn't the same as smelling them in person...soooo
hope you still have nice memories, eh?!
Reply:By all means you're welcome...Aloha!! Report It
I have to move three beautiful gardenias, they are very healthy and give an abundance of flowers. Any suggest
I live in GA
I have to move three beautiful gardenias, they are very healthy and give an abundance of flowers. Any suggest
Do wait till temps are cooler and never replant gardenias when they are blooming, after transplanting add fertilizer and water good, treat carefully.
Reply:You don't specify any sizes on the gardenias to be moved. Gardenias have very shallow root systems. to move dig around the bush at the drip line straight down with the shovel and sever the roots all the way around the shrub. Leave them for several weeks to recover from the root pruning. Water and take care to not let them dry out. By root pruning each gardenia the shrub is better acclimated to the move by allowing it to recover slowly before the shrub is dug up from the bottom. This will prevent it from going into transplant shock. After three to four weeks then dig a hole for each shrub and soak the holes with water thoroughly. Preparing the new homes first will help lessen shock for the plants. Add the plant to the new homes taking care to not overfill the hole and tamp out any air pockets. Form a saucer around each plant to hold water. The best time to transplant these shrubs is on a cool cloudy day. If the temps are too hot wait until fall. Easy as pie. Do not fertilize until the plant has been established in it's new home.
Reply:move them when not in bloom so that way it can sellte in. also add plant food when it gets to its new place
pulling teeth
I have to move three beautiful gardenias, they are very healthy and give an abundance of flowers. Any suggest
Do wait till temps are cooler and never replant gardenias when they are blooming, after transplanting add fertilizer and water good, treat carefully.
Reply:You don't specify any sizes on the gardenias to be moved. Gardenias have very shallow root systems. to move dig around the bush at the drip line straight down with the shovel and sever the roots all the way around the shrub. Leave them for several weeks to recover from the root pruning. Water and take care to not let them dry out. By root pruning each gardenia the shrub is better acclimated to the move by allowing it to recover slowly before the shrub is dug up from the bottom. This will prevent it from going into transplant shock. After three to four weeks then dig a hole for each shrub and soak the holes with water thoroughly. Preparing the new homes first will help lessen shock for the plants. Add the plant to the new homes taking care to not overfill the hole and tamp out any air pockets. Form a saucer around each plant to hold water. The best time to transplant these shrubs is on a cool cloudy day. If the temps are too hot wait until fall. Easy as pie. Do not fertilize until the plant has been established in it's new home.
Reply:move them when not in bloom so that way it can sellte in. also add plant food when it gets to its new place
pulling teeth
Indoor Gardening in the city?
I have sunny windows and I already have chosen some herbs to grow.
Do you have suggestions for flowers that will be happy growing indoors in the city. I won't be planting before February because I don't think they will do as well if I don't wait for spring to arrive ... kind of planting off-season for this part of the country (northeastern U.S.) How about: nasturtium, marigolds, nicotiana,
baby's breath, some petunias ... some tall forget-me-not, alyssum ... do you think they would resent being
put into smallish pots ... I would like to crowd in as much as I can, but is that ok? Have you any suggestions for what might be happy indoors... I keep wanting to grow moon flowers but I know that won't work ... but they smell so good. Would jasmine work. And gardenias. Somehow, I must get my apartment smelling like a greenhouse. Carnations.... oh, please, have you any ideas? Thank you ever so much. LPM
Indoor Gardening in the city?
I have grown geraniums in the house all winter long and they will keep blooming - year round - pinch off leggy growth - make sure they have a sunny window. they are magical....
Also try several ferns - and orchids, they love the indoors. Orchids start blooming in Jan-february - they are not difficult to grow. Lot's of growing info on the net. good luck!
Do you have suggestions for flowers that will be happy growing indoors in the city. I won't be planting before February because I don't think they will do as well if I don't wait for spring to arrive ... kind of planting off-season for this part of the country (northeastern U.S.) How about: nasturtium, marigolds, nicotiana,
baby's breath, some petunias ... some tall forget-me-not, alyssum ... do you think they would resent being
put into smallish pots ... I would like to crowd in as much as I can, but is that ok? Have you any suggestions for what might be happy indoors... I keep wanting to grow moon flowers but I know that won't work ... but they smell so good. Would jasmine work. And gardenias. Somehow, I must get my apartment smelling like a greenhouse. Carnations.... oh, please, have you any ideas? Thank you ever so much. LPM
Indoor Gardening in the city?
I have grown geraniums in the house all winter long and they will keep blooming - year round - pinch off leggy growth - make sure they have a sunny window. they are magical....
Also try several ferns - and orchids, they love the indoors. Orchids start blooming in Jan-february - they are not difficult to grow. Lot's of growing info on the net. good luck!
What is the best time of year for these flowers?
Gardenia and Jasmine
What is the best time of year for these flowers?
Summer. Gardenia like shade and not dry summer months. Jasmine like sun and a little water.
Reply:Bloom? Gardenia in spring, Jasmine spring and summer.
Planting? after last frost date
Placement? Gardenias will take full sun to part shade, like acidic soil (epsom salts) Jasmine - full sun to part shade.
Pruning? Gardenia after bloom, they set next seasons buds after flowering, Jasmine any time, they rebloom. Caution: all parts of all jasmine are poisonous.
Reply:march april may june jult august and sept.
What is the best time of year for these flowers?
Summer. Gardenia like shade and not dry summer months. Jasmine like sun and a little water.
Reply:Bloom? Gardenia in spring, Jasmine spring and summer.
Planting? after last frost date
Placement? Gardenias will take full sun to part shade, like acidic soil (epsom salts) Jasmine - full sun to part shade.
Pruning? Gardenia after bloom, they set next seasons buds after flowering, Jasmine any time, they rebloom. Caution: all parts of all jasmine are poisonous.
Reply:march april may june jult august and sept.
I live in TN and want to know if gardenias do well in thein the winterswers from millions of real people.?
Almost. grow them in pots and bring them indoors, garage, greenhouse etc, when freezing temps are expected.
I live in TN and want to know if gardenias do well in thein the winterswers from millions of real people.?
I think what you are asking is if gardenias are winter hardy in your area.
Tennessee is Zone 6, which means your avg. minimum temp is -10 up to 0 degrees f. Gardenias will not tolerate that cold of temperature.
They are typically Zone 8-10 with a couple of claims of being cold hardy to zone 7. which is 0 to 10 degrees.
What you can do is bring them indoors overwinter.
I live in TN and want to know if gardenias do well in thein the winterswers from millions of real people.?
I think what you are asking is if gardenias are winter hardy in your area.
Tennessee is Zone 6, which means your avg. minimum temp is -10 up to 0 degrees f. Gardenias will not tolerate that cold of temperature.
They are typically Zone 8-10 with a couple of claims of being cold hardy to zone 7. which is 0 to 10 degrees.
What you can do is bring them indoors overwinter.
Tell me about gardenias?
What are they like?
Tell me about gardenias?
Favorite landscape shrub in Florida, the gardenia has very fragrant creamy-white flowers and glossy, dark-green leaves. The genus Gardenia is believed to have been named after Alexander Garden, a physician in Charleston, South Carolina, during colonial days.
Gardenias are a member of the family Rubiaceae and belong to the genus Gardenia. There are over 200 species of Gardenias. In Florida, two species are of primary importance: Gardenia jasminoides containing many cultivars, and Gardenia thunbergia, grown primarily as a rootstock. Gardenia jasminoides is native to China although most named cultivars have arisen in cultivation. Gardenia thunbergia, named for C. P. Thunberg, an 18th century Swedish botanist, is native to South Africa. This latter species is valuable due to its nematode resistance and the vigor it imparts to species grafted on its root.
Gardenias can be used as screens, hedges, borders or ground covers. They also may be used as free-standing specimens or in mass plantings.
These shrubs are excellent choices for fragrant flowers and handsome foliage. If you want to enjoy the flowers' fragrance, plant in areas with good air circulation near patios or windows where the fragrance will be noticed. Many cultivars bloom in the spring, while others bloom throughout most of the growing season.
Plant gardenias in full sun, partial shade, or shifting shade for best flower production. Prolonged shade may reduce flowering.
Reply:That is my favorite flower!!!!!! they are so beautiful. I think they bloom in the spring, but the blooms don't last long. It is the best smelling flower. Ever!!!
Reply:The gardenia is highly valued for its incredible fragrance, long-blooming flowers %26amp; handsome foliage. There are over 250 species, but, most are not cold hardy. The gardenia is named for Alexander Garden (1730-91), a Scottish physician and botanist who lived in Charleston, South Carolina.
From: The University of Georgia and Ft. Valley State University, the U.S. Department of Agriculture and counties of the state cooperating.
*Family: Rubiaceae
*Native: China, Taiwan, Japan
*Hardiness: Zone 7B to 10 – Hardy to 10oF. May die back to the ground and regenerate at 0oF.
*Growth Rate: Moderate
*Uses: Patio, Walkways, Container, Specimen, Groundcover, Corsage, Trellis, and Bonsai
See Pictures %26amp; More:
Reply:Beautiful evergreen. Bloom in spring. Set new blooms after old ones die -- prune when blooms fade.
Prefer acidic soil -- epsom salt
Tollerate part sun to full sun.
Like iron -- copperas or rusty nails in soil
Will air layer root and/or root in water.
Write me if you want more.
Fitness Shoes
Tell me about gardenias?
Favorite landscape shrub in Florida, the gardenia has very fragrant creamy-white flowers and glossy, dark-green leaves. The genus Gardenia is believed to have been named after Alexander Garden, a physician in Charleston, South Carolina, during colonial days.
Gardenias are a member of the family Rubiaceae and belong to the genus Gardenia. There are over 200 species of Gardenias. In Florida, two species are of primary importance: Gardenia jasminoides containing many cultivars, and Gardenia thunbergia, grown primarily as a rootstock. Gardenia jasminoides is native to China although most named cultivars have arisen in cultivation. Gardenia thunbergia, named for C. P. Thunberg, an 18th century Swedish botanist, is native to South Africa. This latter species is valuable due to its nematode resistance and the vigor it imparts to species grafted on its root.
Gardenias can be used as screens, hedges, borders or ground covers. They also may be used as free-standing specimens or in mass plantings.
These shrubs are excellent choices for fragrant flowers and handsome foliage. If you want to enjoy the flowers' fragrance, plant in areas with good air circulation near patios or windows where the fragrance will be noticed. Many cultivars bloom in the spring, while others bloom throughout most of the growing season.
Plant gardenias in full sun, partial shade, or shifting shade for best flower production. Prolonged shade may reduce flowering.
Reply:That is my favorite flower!!!!!! they are so beautiful. I think they bloom in the spring, but the blooms don't last long. It is the best smelling flower. Ever!!!
Reply:The gardenia is highly valued for its incredible fragrance, long-blooming flowers %26amp; handsome foliage. There are over 250 species, but, most are not cold hardy. The gardenia is named for Alexander Garden (1730-91), a Scottish physician and botanist who lived in Charleston, South Carolina.
From: The University of Georgia and Ft. Valley State University, the U.S. Department of Agriculture and counties of the state cooperating.
*Family: Rubiaceae
*Native: China, Taiwan, Japan
*Hardiness: Zone 7B to 10 – Hardy to 10oF. May die back to the ground and regenerate at 0oF.
*Growth Rate: Moderate
*Uses: Patio, Walkways, Container, Specimen, Groundcover, Corsage, Trellis, and Bonsai
See Pictures %26amp; More:
Reply:Beautiful evergreen. Bloom in spring. Set new blooms after old ones die -- prune when blooms fade.
Prefer acidic soil -- epsom salt
Tollerate part sun to full sun.
Like iron -- copperas or rusty nails in soil
Will air layer root and/or root in water.
Write me if you want more.
Fitness Shoes
I have been craving nothing but cake during my pregnancy, and I was wondering if I should name my girl for it?
These are the name that I like that mean sweet:
What do you like? Please don't critisize, and thank you!
I have been craving nothing but cake during my pregnancy, and I was wondering if I should name my girl for it?
I like Elysia and Violetta. My favourite is Violetta
Reply:Sakari, Elysia and Kaylene are alright. I like Violet, but not Violetta. You could give her a middle name like sugar, vanilla, or cocoa. I think that would be really cute, and it's just a middle name, at least it tells a funny story.
Reply:Angel food cake is sweet too! How about Angela?
Reply:I love the names Elysia and Kaylene... Go with one of them please. =] Kaylene Elysia is cute and beautiful
Reply:I like Kaylene!It sounds sweet and its my personal fave from the list!
Reply:violetta :) my mom's name is viola
Reply:I like Elysia the best
I also like the spelling Alyssa
Reply:cravings change a lot during pregnancy, one week sugary things like cake and the next thing salty things like crackers!
Reply:kaylene or a variation on that just don't call her battenburg!
good luck
Reply:Kaylene. Or Kaylee. Yes, I like Kaylee. The other ones are kind of queer-sounding. Not so sure about those.
Reply:I like Elysia or Kaylene...they sound the most like a real baby name...and one she won't be given a hard time for her name - congrats!
Reply:i like Kaylene the best
Reply:With out sounding critical ..I would say no to all of these names.
Many pregnant women crave sweets or salts or hot foods.
I craved Green Olives
My daughter in law craved Mexican food
My mom craved and ate a cake a day
But none of us chose names related to those items.
Reply:I craved guacamole , that didn't mean I would name my daughter after it. Kaylene insn't too bad though.
Reply:I have a cousin Priya....that's the best on your list!
Reply:Kaylene, Violetta
Reply:I like Kaylene the best. You should name her "Kaylee" =)
Reply:not trying to criticize, but i really dont like any of those names.the only one that is okay is Elysia. and ya'll could call her Elly
Reply:The only one that sounds somewhat appealing is Kaylene. Other than that I cannot imagine any of them for a little girl's name.
I don't think a craving should be a deciding factor in what you name your child.
Reply:That's a cute idea. Out of those I like Elysia, Kaylene, Melosia, and Priya.
Here are some other names that mean 'sweet' that I like:
Kalilah (actually means sweetheart, but I thought it was pretty)
Good luck!
Reply:i like elysia and gardenia the best. violetta is nice, too. actually, all of the names are pretty cool. and to have them mean something sweet is neat, especially for a little girl.
What do you like? Please don't critisize, and thank you!
I have been craving nothing but cake during my pregnancy, and I was wondering if I should name my girl for it?
I like Elysia and Violetta. My favourite is Violetta
Reply:Sakari, Elysia and Kaylene are alright. I like Violet, but not Violetta. You could give her a middle name like sugar, vanilla, or cocoa. I think that would be really cute, and it's just a middle name, at least it tells a funny story.
Reply:Angel food cake is sweet too! How about Angela?
Reply:I love the names Elysia and Kaylene... Go with one of them please. =] Kaylene Elysia is cute and beautiful
Reply:I like Kaylene!It sounds sweet and its my personal fave from the list!
Reply:violetta :) my mom's name is viola
Reply:I like Elysia the best
I also like the spelling Alyssa
Reply:cravings change a lot during pregnancy, one week sugary things like cake and the next thing salty things like crackers!
Reply:kaylene or a variation on that just don't call her battenburg!
good luck
Reply:Kaylene. Or Kaylee. Yes, I like Kaylee. The other ones are kind of queer-sounding. Not so sure about those.
Reply:I like Elysia or Kaylene...they sound the most like a real baby name...and one she won't be given a hard time for her name - congrats!
Reply:i like Kaylene the best
Reply:With out sounding critical ..I would say no to all of these names.
Many pregnant women crave sweets or salts or hot foods.
I craved Green Olives
My daughter in law craved Mexican food
My mom craved and ate a cake a day
But none of us chose names related to those items.
Reply:I craved guacamole , that didn't mean I would name my daughter after it. Kaylene insn't too bad though.
Reply:I have a cousin Priya....that's the best on your list!
Reply:Kaylene, Violetta
Reply:I like Kaylene the best. You should name her "Kaylee" =)
Reply:not trying to criticize, but i really dont like any of those names.the only one that is okay is Elysia. and ya'll could call her Elly
Reply:The only one that sounds somewhat appealing is Kaylene. Other than that I cannot imagine any of them for a little girl's name.
I don't think a craving should be a deciding factor in what you name your child.
Reply:That's a cute idea. Out of those I like Elysia, Kaylene, Melosia, and Priya.
Here are some other names that mean 'sweet' that I like:
Kalilah (actually means sweetheart, but I thought it was pretty)
Good luck!
Reply:i like elysia and gardenia the best. violetta is nice, too. actually, all of the names are pretty cool. and to have them mean something sweet is neat, especially for a little girl.
Freshly planted Gardenias?
I Just planted three gardenias in my yard. We have not been getting any rain where I'm at.
I heard you should water everyday for two weeks.
How many times a day should I water? Is it possible to over water, if so how much water is to much?
Freshly planted Gardenias?
Soak the root ball and planting hole WELL immediately after planting. then, check the soil for moisture daily. Poke your finger into the planting soil. If it feels moist, don't water, if it feels dry, give it a good drink.
Too much water (like watering everyday) can be a problem if you have clay soil. Clay doesn't absorb moisture quickly and you can actually drown your plants. If your soil is sandy, you'll need to water more.
If the leaves look shiny and healthy, the plant is OK. If the leaves are droopy, then it's probably in need of water.... but check the soil FIRST before watering.
Reply:Give newly planted shrubs and plants a good drink of Root Stimulator (Fertilome makes an excellent product.) Stim will prevent transplant shock. Fertilize them with Epsom Salts sprinkled around the drip line - less expensive and effective acid based supplement for Gardenias, camellias, and azaleas. As was suggested, check the soil for water needs. Good luck.
Reply:water them more often when the weather is warm. are they sun or shade gardenias? it will make a difference, also you should have good drainage and try to water the gardenias from the bottom if water gets on top of the flowers will make your flowers turn yellow or brown
I heard you should water everyday for two weeks.
How many times a day should I water? Is it possible to over water, if so how much water is to much?
Freshly planted Gardenias?
Soak the root ball and planting hole WELL immediately after planting. then, check the soil for moisture daily. Poke your finger into the planting soil. If it feels moist, don't water, if it feels dry, give it a good drink.
Too much water (like watering everyday) can be a problem if you have clay soil. Clay doesn't absorb moisture quickly and you can actually drown your plants. If your soil is sandy, you'll need to water more.
If the leaves look shiny and healthy, the plant is OK. If the leaves are droopy, then it's probably in need of water.... but check the soil FIRST before watering.
Reply:Give newly planted shrubs and plants a good drink of Root Stimulator (Fertilome makes an excellent product.) Stim will prevent transplant shock. Fertilize them with Epsom Salts sprinkled around the drip line - less expensive and effective acid based supplement for Gardenias, camellias, and azaleas. As was suggested, check the soil for water needs. Good luck.
Reply:water them more often when the weather is warm. are they sun or shade gardenias? it will make a difference, also you should have good drainage and try to water the gardenias from the bottom if water gets on top of the flowers will make your flowers turn yellow or brown
Is CoCo a good name for a dog?
She smells just like gardenia's................?
Is CoCo a good name for a dog?
LOL, Sweet Judy. My ruddy-brown Chow thanks you so very much.
Unfortunately, it has been much too cold to bathe her lately, so she
is muddy as usual, tracking it from her patio during the day and out
to our garage at night where we keep her so she is a lot warmer.
CoCo is 13 years old, very sweet and loving. She had a whole lot of brothers and sisters, but she was the bravest of all and she came right up to me. I told her that I wanted to take her home with me, so she told her Mom and siblings bye bye. Then she came to her new home where she is loved so much. She's always a happy girl except when she detects a skunk, rat or armadillo outside, then
she barks at it with her very low voice until it goes away. I'm sure my neighbors love that!
CoCo told me that her name fits her perfectly ~ and she can't think of one that would suit her any better. She also claims that she has some kin that were pets of CoCo Chanel, so she's very honored to share the name!! ;)
I am going to bathe CoCo as soon as it gets warm enough and I am
going to rinse her heavily in Gardenia scented water. She loves it when she is getting a bath and when I brush her fur! And I'll love her even more once she smells like gardenias and not a muddy chow, if that is possible!
CoCo told me that she loves you, too, Sweet Judy! She sends you tons of kisses and puts her 'front paws' around your waist and she
hugs you, just like she does me!! Then it's off to the shower! *Grins*
Reply:for a cat
Reply:I love that name for a brown female dog!!
Reply:My neighbor had a dark haired chihuahua named coco! It seemed to fit him pretty well!
Reply:What matter is do YOU think it's a good name
Reply:yea lol
Reply:I think it is a cute name. My niece has a Chihuahua named CoCo.
Reply:Sounds like a flower name might be more appropriate. I am envious. I never had any dog that smelled remotely like gardenias! CoCo's cute though and beats Blister. peace
Reply:yes sweet judy that is a great name for a dog
Reply:It is good if it fits the dog. It makes me think of a cocker spaniel or a chocolate lab!
Reply:Yeah, go for it.... Sweet Judy
Reply:yeh if u dont mind calling it coke, coz that is what u will shorten it to.
Reply:If the dog is chocolate brown the name would suit it.
Reply:if she was a white dog, then i'd say not really lol.
Reply:One of my friends has a red nose Pitt Bull named Coco. Why not? Good name!
Reply:Its a Gaylordish name
Reply:You must have just bathed her in Gardenia waters. CoCo is a fine name but I have found that if you want to dog to come to you when you call? A name that starts with an "s" gets their attention.
Reply:My sister in law was Coco, shorty for Courtney. I think it would make a neat name for a dog.
Reply:go with Soda!
or exit
or seven
Thanks George!
Reply:commen, but if you like it that is what matters
Reply:try this site hope it helps %26lt;%26gt;http://www.petrix.com/dognames/%26gt;
Reply:My mom has a pomeranian named Cocoa. Just a different spelling. Her pom is a chocolate color.
Reply:My older dog's name is KoKo, and she is a chocolate color. Sure, it's a cute name. Very short and if the dog is a brown color, very cute.
Reply:It's a beautiful name!
Reply:Very good name
So is Cha Cha..LOL
Is CoCo a good name for a dog?
LOL, Sweet Judy. My ruddy-brown Chow thanks you so very much.
Unfortunately, it has been much too cold to bathe her lately, so she
is muddy as usual, tracking it from her patio during the day and out
to our garage at night where we keep her so she is a lot warmer.
CoCo is 13 years old, very sweet and loving. She had a whole lot of brothers and sisters, but she was the bravest of all and she came right up to me. I told her that I wanted to take her home with me, so she told her Mom and siblings bye bye. Then she came to her new home where she is loved so much. She's always a happy girl except when she detects a skunk, rat or armadillo outside, then
she barks at it with her very low voice until it goes away. I'm sure my neighbors love that!
CoCo told me that her name fits her perfectly ~ and she can't think of one that would suit her any better. She also claims that she has some kin that were pets of CoCo Chanel, so she's very honored to share the name!! ;)
I am going to bathe CoCo as soon as it gets warm enough and I am
going to rinse her heavily in Gardenia scented water. She loves it when she is getting a bath and when I brush her fur! And I'll love her even more once she smells like gardenias and not a muddy chow, if that is possible!
CoCo told me that she loves you, too, Sweet Judy! She sends you tons of kisses and puts her 'front paws' around your waist and she
hugs you, just like she does me!! Then it's off to the shower! *Grins*
Reply:for a cat
Reply:I love that name for a brown female dog!!
Reply:My neighbor had a dark haired chihuahua named coco! It seemed to fit him pretty well!
Reply:What matter is do YOU think it's a good name
Reply:yea lol
Reply:I think it is a cute name. My niece has a Chihuahua named CoCo.
Reply:Sounds like a flower name might be more appropriate. I am envious. I never had any dog that smelled remotely like gardenias! CoCo's cute though and beats Blister. peace
Reply:yes sweet judy that is a great name for a dog
Reply:It is good if it fits the dog. It makes me think of a cocker spaniel or a chocolate lab!
Reply:Yeah, go for it.... Sweet Judy
Reply:yeh if u dont mind calling it coke, coz that is what u will shorten it to.
Reply:If the dog is chocolate brown the name would suit it.
Reply:if she was a white dog, then i'd say not really lol.
Reply:One of my friends has a red nose Pitt Bull named Coco. Why not? Good name!
Reply:Its a Gaylordish name
Reply:You must have just bathed her in Gardenia waters. CoCo is a fine name but I have found that if you want to dog to come to you when you call? A name that starts with an "s" gets their attention.
Reply:My sister in law was Coco, shorty for Courtney. I think it would make a neat name for a dog.
Reply:go with Soda!
or exit
or seven
Thanks George!
Reply:commen, but if you like it that is what matters
Reply:try this site hope it helps %26lt;%26gt;http://www.petrix.com/dognames/%26gt;
Reply:My mom has a pomeranian named Cocoa. Just a different spelling. Her pom is a chocolate color.
Reply:My older dog's name is KoKo, and she is a chocolate color. Sure, it's a cute name. Very short and if the dog is a brown color, very cute.
Reply:It's a beautiful name!
Reply:Very good name
So is Cha Cha..LOL
Friday, January 27, 2012
Orange fuzzy spots growing on my TEXAS front yard trees..what is it?
We bought this house a decade ago and the trees have grown fine..
recently I put mulch in my gardenia garden and it grew orange round piles of fuzz....I took all the mulch out....Now I'm seeing little round orange fuzzy spots on my trees trucks..can someone in TEXAS tell me what this stuff is??
Orange fuzzy spots growing on my TEXAS front yard trees..what is it?
Does it disappear after a few hours and then reappears someplace else the next day? If yes, could be slime flux......a botanical curiosity, no damage.
Reply:It is a fungus from the mulch, should be fine.
adult teethskin blackheads
recently I put mulch in my gardenia garden and it grew orange round piles of fuzz....I took all the mulch out....Now I'm seeing little round orange fuzzy spots on my trees trucks..can someone in TEXAS tell me what this stuff is??
Orange fuzzy spots growing on my TEXAS front yard trees..what is it?
Does it disappear after a few hours and then reappears someplace else the next day? If yes, could be slime flux......a botanical curiosity, no damage.
Reply:It is a fungus from the mulch, should be fine.
adult teeth
Removal Gardenias flowers?
Can I remove the dead flowers on my gardenias? They are very healthy plants and have many flowers on them.
Removal Gardenias flowers?
Not much to say here except, Yep, no worries. Lovely bushes, sadly it's too limey where I am so I'm envioius,
Reply:I have a gardenia in my house that is blooming like crazy right now. When the flowers dry up, I just pinch them off at the base if they don't fall off on their own first! If you want to do a little pruning at the same time, you can use a scissor or snipper and remove a little of the stem along with the spent flower.
Reply:Sure you can, won't hurt a thing. Time for pruning is after flowering as they set next years buds at this time. Dead heading will not encourage more blooms this year, but pruning will increase next year's blooms.
Reply:I don't know too much about gardenias, but most perennials benefit by "deadheading" and encourage more flowering.
Removal Gardenias flowers?
Not much to say here except, Yep, no worries. Lovely bushes, sadly it's too limey where I am so I'm envioius,
Reply:I have a gardenia in my house that is blooming like crazy right now. When the flowers dry up, I just pinch them off at the base if they don't fall off on their own first! If you want to do a little pruning at the same time, you can use a scissor or snipper and remove a little of the stem along with the spent flower.
Reply:Sure you can, won't hurt a thing. Time for pruning is after flowering as they set next years buds at this time. Dead heading will not encourage more blooms this year, but pruning will increase next year's blooms.
Reply:I don't know too much about gardenias, but most perennials benefit by "deadheading" and encourage more flowering.
Ideas for back of neck tattoos?
I am getting 4 on my back: Left shoulder St. David, Right Shoulder Pheonix, Middle of back dove with olive branch in it's beak, and 3 roses with 2 words in a lovely script. So my question is what would look nice and go with the work I want to get on my back? I love gardenias but I am not sure how it wou look. I am also getting an ankelette tattoo with dogwood flowers. PLease help! Don't even tell me not to. I am a grown woman and I am going to experienced artists.
Ideas for back of neck tattoos?
I would consult the tattoo artist that is doing the other work.
After the other tattoos are done, you can have a picture of your back taken and then it'll be easier to see what would fit.
It's not like you can have all that done in a day anyway so you have plenty of time to decide.
Reply:i dont kno if i could pick one for u, so i just got a link!
hope this helps,
Reply:i think chinese letters look nice
Reply:follow wht eva u thk will work 4 u girl u dnt need our help its yo body
Ideas for back of neck tattoos?
I would consult the tattoo artist that is doing the other work.
After the other tattoos are done, you can have a picture of your back taken and then it'll be easier to see what would fit.
It's not like you can have all that done in a day anyway so you have plenty of time to decide.
Reply:i dont kno if i could pick one for u, so i just got a link!
hope this helps,
Reply:i think chinese letters look nice
Reply:follow wht eva u thk will work 4 u girl u dnt need our help its yo body
What aromatic flowers can I plant (in Georgia, US)?
This fall and next spring, I'm going to be planting a garden close to a screened-in porch, and I'd like to fill it with as many aromatic flowers as possible. Gardenias and Jasmine are my favorite scents, but I'm having a hard time thinking of others! Any ideas? The area covers everything from early morning sun/rest-of-the-day shade to full sun.
Thanks in advance for any advice!!!
What aromatic flowers can I plant (in Georgia, US)?
There are so many that you can plant. A Yahoo search for "fragrant flowers" (include the quotation marks in the search box) yields 154,000 results. If you do the same search, and are willing to spend a little time exploring, I'm sure that you will quickly find the information you seek.
Good luck with your search.
Reply:Different Roses
orange blossoms smell great-perhaps a small tree
lilacs-they are one of my favorites
Reply:OMG! You live in a perfect climate to grow anything, and have blossoms nearly 365 days - no wonder you're having a hard time deciding.
Try wisteria, it will be a lovely scent-blend with the jasmine. Ooo, then there's heliotrope and freesia (both good in pots) and sweet peas. The one that is a fav in your state is the bougainville (spelling is probably wrong). Of course, honeysuckles are fast growers and constant bloomers and hummingbirds love the orange and red varieties.
Mmmm can't you just smell them all.
Reply:I like lavender and rosemary (technically not fragrant flowers on the rosemary, but the foliage smells so wonderful...) Hyacinth smells great in the spring. Winter daphne (Daphne odora)
is a marvelously-scented winter blooming shrub...
Reply:Don't know if this fits into your definition but here in lower SC we have a "banana" (I don't know the proper name for it) shrub and it emits an aroma that duplicates that of a banana, It grows about 8' in height.
Reply:Star gazers smell very nice and you can smell them from several feet away
Reply:To my way of thinking , the most beautiful , aromatic and over-all the most beautiful flower is the rose. Soo many varieties to choose from.
Reply:I have grown the sweetest, most deliciously aromatic vine on my fence called Autumn Clemetis, who's name can be deceiving. It blooms in 60-90 degree weather and doesn't seem to have much to do with autumn here on Long Island. Here it blooms in Aug till frost. It may bloom year round for you in Georgia. It has tiny star shaped flowers with yellow centers. I catch people standing in front of my house just "breathing". I have been told more than once that my yard smells enchanting.
Reply:Plant lavender - there are many types - go to a big nursery and check them out (phone them first to make sure they carry some) - you'll also want to plant lilacs - the white French ones are the most fragrant - be sure to cut back about a quarter of the oldest, thickest ones each fall - and each spring, dissolve a cup of Epsom salts in a gallon of water and pour this equidistantly all around the base of the lilac bush. Both these make wonderful cut flowers, and you can easily dry lavender in your home. You might want to read Walt Whitman's lovely Civil War memorial poem - When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloomed."
Thanks in advance for any advice!!!
What aromatic flowers can I plant (in Georgia, US)?
There are so many that you can plant. A Yahoo search for "fragrant flowers" (include the quotation marks in the search box) yields 154,000 results. If you do the same search, and are willing to spend a little time exploring, I'm sure that you will quickly find the information you seek.
Good luck with your search.
Reply:Different Roses
orange blossoms smell great-perhaps a small tree
lilacs-they are one of my favorites
Reply:OMG! You live in a perfect climate to grow anything, and have blossoms nearly 365 days - no wonder you're having a hard time deciding.
Try wisteria, it will be a lovely scent-blend with the jasmine. Ooo, then there's heliotrope and freesia (both good in pots) and sweet peas. The one that is a fav in your state is the bougainville (spelling is probably wrong). Of course, honeysuckles are fast growers and constant bloomers and hummingbirds love the orange and red varieties.
Mmmm can't you just smell them all.
Reply:I like lavender and rosemary (technically not fragrant flowers on the rosemary, but the foliage smells so wonderful...) Hyacinth smells great in the spring. Winter daphne (Daphne odora)
is a marvelously-scented winter blooming shrub...
Reply:Don't know if this fits into your definition but here in lower SC we have a "banana" (I don't know the proper name for it) shrub and it emits an aroma that duplicates that of a banana, It grows about 8' in height.
Reply:Star gazers smell very nice and you can smell them from several feet away
Reply:To my way of thinking , the most beautiful , aromatic and over-all the most beautiful flower is the rose. Soo many varieties to choose from.
Reply:I have grown the sweetest, most deliciously aromatic vine on my fence called Autumn Clemetis, who's name can be deceiving. It blooms in 60-90 degree weather and doesn't seem to have much to do with autumn here on Long Island. Here it blooms in Aug till frost. It may bloom year round for you in Georgia. It has tiny star shaped flowers with yellow centers. I catch people standing in front of my house just "breathing". I have been told more than once that my yard smells enchanting.
Reply:Plant lavender - there are many types - go to a big nursery and check them out (phone them first to make sure they carry some) - you'll also want to plant lilacs - the white French ones are the most fragrant - be sure to cut back about a quarter of the oldest, thickest ones each fall - and each spring, dissolve a cup of Epsom salts in a gallon of water and pour this equidistantly all around the base of the lilac bush. Both these make wonderful cut flowers, and you can easily dry lavender in your home. You might want to read Walt Whitman's lovely Civil War memorial poem - When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloomed."
I have white crystally/powdery stuff growing on my plants.?
This white stuff is only growing at the base of each leaf, where it attaches to the branch. So far, it is growing on my gardenia and mandevilla, and it is killing both of them. Any ideas? I've tried several insecticide/fungicides and none of them have worked so far. The branches have turned a weird shade of brown and about half of the leaves are dead. Buds die and fall off before they have a chance to bloom. I live in southern California, so it is hard enough keeping my plants alive in the summer heat!!
I have white crystally/powdery stuff growing on my plants.?
Its called Powdery Mildew. Its a fungus .... You can get rid of it by mixing up some baking soda in water 4 - 5 tablesppoons in a gallon of water, thoughly dissolving it , and then spray it on the affected plants.. Its usually caused by wet conditions . When you water your plants , try not to get the foliage wet. Water in the morning, so excess water can dry up ; avoid watering late afternoon / evening .
Run a search on " Powdery Mildew " for more advise, or stop at your local garden center ....
Reply:It's called mealybug. It's a small white cotton stuff which is an insect all clustered at the base of the leaves, under the leaves, and on the stems. Their are many insecticides that should rid this problem. But you do have to make sure you spray the underside of the leaves as well as the rest of the plant. If it's not too badly infested I would get a soft cloth or cotton and wipe off all that you see with rubbing alcohol, then spray the plant. You could also mix a little dish soap with water and spray it, if you don't want to use insecticides.
Reply:It sounds to me like you have a mealybug infestation. To check if these are mealybugs, pick some of the white stuff off the plant and mush it between your fingers. If it is orange, pink, or another color and it is juicy, it is in fact mealybugs!
A fungicide wouldn't work because mealybugs aren't a fungus.
If you've applied an insecticide, it may not have worked because it wasn't the right one. What you need to get is a systemic insecticide (look for the active ingredient- imidaclporid when shopping for one). A systemic insecticide will be taken up by the plant and translocated throughout so when the mealybug or any other bug takes a bite of your plant, it will ingest some of the poison and die!
Mealybugs tend to aggregate close to the bases of leaves or in the nooks and crannys of plants, because it sort of protects them.
You may also want to try wiping them off yourself until the chemical can be taken up in to the plant.
Reply:White fly, get spray at the store, use it , you mihght need to cut it back some if really bad, if you do clean shears with rubbing alcohol so you dont spread it.
Get the spray for Roses, green can yellow cap, its aerosol works great Think its made by ORtho
Reply:it sounds like a mold. can you put on gloves and wash it off? I'd try manually getting rid of it before using those products
Teeth Cleaning
I have white crystally/powdery stuff growing on my plants.?
Its called Powdery Mildew. Its a fungus .... You can get rid of it by mixing up some baking soda in water 4 - 5 tablesppoons in a gallon of water, thoughly dissolving it , and then spray it on the affected plants.. Its usually caused by wet conditions . When you water your plants , try not to get the foliage wet. Water in the morning, so excess water can dry up ; avoid watering late afternoon / evening .
Run a search on " Powdery Mildew " for more advise, or stop at your local garden center ....
Reply:It's called mealybug. It's a small white cotton stuff which is an insect all clustered at the base of the leaves, under the leaves, and on the stems. Their are many insecticides that should rid this problem. But you do have to make sure you spray the underside of the leaves as well as the rest of the plant. If it's not too badly infested I would get a soft cloth or cotton and wipe off all that you see with rubbing alcohol, then spray the plant. You could also mix a little dish soap with water and spray it, if you don't want to use insecticides.
Reply:It sounds to me like you have a mealybug infestation. To check if these are mealybugs, pick some of the white stuff off the plant and mush it between your fingers. If it is orange, pink, or another color and it is juicy, it is in fact mealybugs!
A fungicide wouldn't work because mealybugs aren't a fungus.
If you've applied an insecticide, it may not have worked because it wasn't the right one. What you need to get is a systemic insecticide (look for the active ingredient- imidaclporid when shopping for one). A systemic insecticide will be taken up by the plant and translocated throughout so when the mealybug or any other bug takes a bite of your plant, it will ingest some of the poison and die!
Mealybugs tend to aggregate close to the bases of leaves or in the nooks and crannys of plants, because it sort of protects them.
You may also want to try wiping them off yourself until the chemical can be taken up in to the plant.
Reply:White fly, get spray at the store, use it , you mihght need to cut it back some if really bad, if you do clean shears with rubbing alcohol so you dont spread it.
Get the spray for Roses, green can yellow cap, its aerosol works great Think its made by ORtho
Reply:it sounds like a mold. can you put on gloves and wash it off? I'd try manually getting rid of it before using those products
Teeth Cleaning
What's Your Most Favorite Fragrant Flower?
What's your most favorite fragrant flower? Mine's the Gardenia it smells so good:)
What's Your Most Favorite Fragrant Flower?
I love Gardenia too! Great minds think alike. Or is that great noses smell alike? Some how that just doesn't sound right.... :)
Reply:french vanilla.
Reply:Roses and daisies.
Reply:Gardenia, they smell soooo good.
Reply:Hyacinths are very fragrant and my father always brought them home for mom around Easter time
Reply:Night Jasmine, and the magnolia.
Reply:I love to smell Roses.
Reply:Mine is the geranium. It doesn't smell terrific, but it was my first plant...I called it Milfred.
LOL! Crazy, huh?
Reply:Honeysuckle. It reminds me of spring.
Reply:Rembrant Roses.. I have softball sized blooms..(yes I grow roses!)
Reply:definately roses. I like the pink ones the best. Or lavendar.
Reply:cherry blossoms!
Reply:white roses.
Reply:Stargazer lily. They're especially pungent!
Reply:I LOVE Gardenia, however I also have a fondness for honey suckle, sweet olive, night jasmine, magnolia, and roses. Fragrent flowers are my ABSOLUTE favorites!!
Reply:I like the Bath and Body Works Body Splash in the scent of Gardenia. It has a very nice and mild smell, but smells very good.
Reply:lavender, without a doubt the best
Reply:The Narcissis Flower
Reply:red roses
Reply:Red Roses!
Reply:im totally inlove with the smell of roses. mmmmmmmm
Reply:moon flowers and they are so cool they only bloom at night
Reply:The Flipster 500
Reply:Citrus Blossom. Lemon or Kumquats seem the most Fragrant to me...or maybe because they'll Grow for me;%26gt;!
Reply:My Favorite is the Sweet Olive, when in bloom you can smell it all over the garden.
Reply:The one I have my nose in. There are just to many wonderful ones to have a real favorite.
Gardenia was the first name to come to mind.
But, it is LAVENDAR I grow for the smell. But, I have roses (always special) and Freesias are most special.
But, I hate hawthorns and paperwhites are just too strong for my nose.
Really tho I prefere the smell of spruce and fir and pines. No flowers, but the best scent for any garden to have. And Incense cedar, which I have planted many of.
Yeah, that's my favorite, Incense Cedar.
What's Your Most Favorite Fragrant Flower?
I love Gardenia too! Great minds think alike. Or is that great noses smell alike? Some how that just doesn't sound right.... :)
Reply:french vanilla.
Reply:Roses and daisies.
Reply:Gardenia, they smell soooo good.
Reply:Hyacinths are very fragrant and my father always brought them home for mom around Easter time
Reply:Night Jasmine, and the magnolia.
Reply:I love to smell Roses.
Reply:Mine is the geranium. It doesn't smell terrific, but it was my first plant...I called it Milfred.
LOL! Crazy, huh?
Reply:Honeysuckle. It reminds me of spring.
Reply:Rembrant Roses.. I have softball sized blooms..(yes I grow roses!)
Reply:definately roses. I like the pink ones the best. Or lavendar.
Reply:cherry blossoms!
Reply:white roses.
Reply:Stargazer lily. They're especially pungent!
Reply:I LOVE Gardenia, however I also have a fondness for honey suckle, sweet olive, night jasmine, magnolia, and roses. Fragrent flowers are my ABSOLUTE favorites!!
Reply:I like the Bath and Body Works Body Splash in the scent of Gardenia. It has a very nice and mild smell, but smells very good.
Reply:lavender, without a doubt the best
Reply:The Narcissis Flower
Reply:red roses
Reply:Red Roses!
Reply:im totally inlove with the smell of roses. mmmmmmmm
Reply:moon flowers and they are so cool they only bloom at night
Reply:The Flipster 500
Reply:Citrus Blossom. Lemon or Kumquats seem the most Fragrant to me...or maybe because they'll Grow for me;%26gt;!
Reply:My Favorite is the Sweet Olive, when in bloom you can smell it all over the garden.
Reply:The one I have my nose in. There are just to many wonderful ones to have a real favorite.
Gardenia was the first name to come to mind.
But, it is LAVENDAR I grow for the smell. But, I have roses (always special) and Freesias are most special.
But, I hate hawthorns and paperwhites are just too strong for my nose.
Really tho I prefere the smell of spruce and fir and pines. No flowers, but the best scent for any garden to have. And Incense cedar, which I have planted many of.
Yeah, that's my favorite, Incense Cedar.
Anyone up for a little challenge?
I worked very hard on this one, and I thought it would be fun to challenge my Y!Harem and anyone else. I've written this poem according to the language of flowers. The words give several clues to the meening of the flowers, but I challenge you to find out what I'm saying.
He bathes me in fragrant blooms,
their message fills my heart.
Apple blossoms and Forget-me-nots
tell me we never have to part.
The yellow Chrysanthemum
speaks secrets in my ear.
And the smiling Sunflower,
tells me that I am dear.
Sweetpea hides the Tuberose.
Gardenias tell how he feels,
Bachelor Buttons and red rose.
Hyacinths say this is real.
Iris looks to Orchid’s face,
While Ivy holds them all in place.
Anyone up for a little challenge?
I'm so glad I added you to my contacts. If I died right now from the shear pleasure of reading this, it would take the undertaker a week to remove this stupid smile from my face.
Reply:I promise to remember you forever.
I have always been your secret admirer.
I am the love of your life.
I adore you.
I am so shy. I can't express the pleasure you bring me.
The Joy, anticipation, the passionate love overwhelms me when I look upon your face!
I will never give up.
You are my inspiration when I look upon your delicate beauty.
There can never be another to take your place!
Reply:alright so some dude promises you that he'll never forget you and that you'll always be together.
he tells you he loves you
he's too shy to show it, but he's the happiest dude in the land.
he cant wait to **** you, but you're not just some other girl. he means everything he feels.
he's inspired by your beauty
and he'll always be faithful.
Reply:correct me if i'm wrong, but i think your man is pretty lucky. and obviously, u know that. do u treat him the same???
Reply:This was very fun. Thank you for the link. I will never use flowers in a poem the same way again.
I won't place all the definitions in and ruin the fun for others but:
You are talking about a secret admirerer who has made endearing promises to you (the narrator). This has the sense of a potential long term love. There is hesitation (shyness in stanza 3) but also an excitement and joy culminating in passionate love. There is mutual adoration as well as the promise of faithfulness that the love will last.
How the person that you love can be your inspiration.
Reply:OH MY GOD THAT TOTALLY ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply:It seems to be about steadfastness between two lovers, despite the temptations of would-be suitors. I am assuming that, as is generally true in a traditional Shakespearean sonnet (and I think I can forgive not being able to pull off a rhyme, within the theme, for "Chrysanthemum"), the last couplet is the key to resolving the poem.
As an aside, you are remarkably creative. I've come to enjoy your posts.
Reply:You are much too clever! You nasty little piece of work you! That is just brilliant, kind of a Where's Waldo of poetry, a flowers: English dictionary. Cool!
Admiring your superior talent, I genuflect, unworthily, D.
Reply:In this work, I believe Cinimini is saying, "Her gardener has a cute butt."
Last year, I tried Amaranthus "Love lies bleeding." Beautiful!
It sounds like the things in your garden would work in mine. I have been accepted by the University of Missouri's Master Gardeners program. I just need a couple months off to take the final class.
Reply:your having a problem with your boyfriend?
Reply:I liked it very much, it was fresh. I like flowers, but i don't know a lot about them.
He bathes me in fragrant blooms,
their message fills my heart.
Apple blossoms and Forget-me-nots
tell me we never have to part.
The yellow Chrysanthemum
speaks secrets in my ear.
And the smiling Sunflower,
tells me that I am dear.
Sweetpea hides the Tuberose.
Gardenias tell how he feels,
Bachelor Buttons and red rose.
Hyacinths say this is real.
Iris looks to Orchid’s face,
While Ivy holds them all in place.
Anyone up for a little challenge?
I'm so glad I added you to my contacts. If I died right now from the shear pleasure of reading this, it would take the undertaker a week to remove this stupid smile from my face.
Reply:I promise to remember you forever.
I have always been your secret admirer.
I am the love of your life.
I adore you.
I am so shy. I can't express the pleasure you bring me.
The Joy, anticipation, the passionate love overwhelms me when I look upon your face!
I will never give up.
You are my inspiration when I look upon your delicate beauty.
There can never be another to take your place!
Reply:alright so some dude promises you that he'll never forget you and that you'll always be together.
he tells you he loves you
he's too shy to show it, but he's the happiest dude in the land.
he cant wait to **** you, but you're not just some other girl. he means everything he feels.
he's inspired by your beauty
and he'll always be faithful.
Reply:correct me if i'm wrong, but i think your man is pretty lucky. and obviously, u know that. do u treat him the same???
Reply:This was very fun. Thank you for the link. I will never use flowers in a poem the same way again.
I won't place all the definitions in and ruin the fun for others but:
You are talking about a secret admirerer who has made endearing promises to you (the narrator). This has the sense of a potential long term love. There is hesitation (shyness in stanza 3) but also an excitement and joy culminating in passionate love. There is mutual adoration as well as the promise of faithfulness that the love will last.
How the person that you love can be your inspiration.
Reply:OH MY GOD THAT TOTALLY ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply:It seems to be about steadfastness between two lovers, despite the temptations of would-be suitors. I am assuming that, as is generally true in a traditional Shakespearean sonnet (and I think I can forgive not being able to pull off a rhyme, within the theme, for "Chrysanthemum"), the last couplet is the key to resolving the poem.
As an aside, you are remarkably creative. I've come to enjoy your posts.
Reply:You are much too clever! You nasty little piece of work you! That is just brilliant, kind of a Where's Waldo of poetry, a flowers: English dictionary. Cool!
Admiring your superior talent, I genuflect, unworthily, D.
Reply:In this work, I believe Cinimini is saying, "Her gardener has a cute butt."
Last year, I tried Amaranthus "Love lies bleeding." Beautiful!
It sounds like the things in your garden would work in mine. I have been accepted by the University of Missouri's Master Gardeners program. I just need a couple months off to take the final class.
Reply:your having a problem with your boyfriend?
Reply:I liked it very much, it was fresh. I like flowers, but i don't know a lot about them.
Transplanting large, well established camellias.?
I've recently moved into a beautiful house, all of the previous owners were avid gardeners- dating back to 1939. So, I have many beautiful camellias, and a few dogwoods and gardenias that I would like move to another location in the yard. Is this possible? If so, when should I do it? What about dividing them? Thank you for any advice- I need as much as I can get!
Transplanting large, well established camellias.?
Best time is dormant season. Dig a norrow trench around camellia around the outer edge of main root ball area and flood with water for 2/3 days. Then dig out retaining as much soil as possible around root ball. Re plant in pre prepared hole. Flood area daily for 2/3 days
I have done this and had good success BUT be prepared for failure as it happens
Reply:DOn't move anything you are not prepared to risk losing. HAving said that though, ake a large rootball, do it when the plant is dormant, water it well for the first year after moving and you should be OK. If there is any wind, stake it well. Rocking in the wind is a real killer for plants. If you are desperate to keep something that has to move, establish some cuttings from it before you try to move it.
Reply:a matured landscape with plants like you've mentioned is not something you can 're-arrange' like you can a room in a house..... those plants are permanent and if you try to move them, you'll lose them... especially since you've little experience in gardening yet..... I've had a lot of garden experience and I wouldn't try it with any of the three you mentioned .......
Reply:Camellias prefer slightly acidic (Ph 6.0-6.5) and well drained but moist soil. If your garden soil doesn’t currently support the growth of camellias consider using an azalea potting mix in a large container and planting one of the more compact varieties mentioned below so you can still enjoy the graceful charm of the camellia without too much extra work. Camellia foliage will scald in full sun in hot summer weather so dappled shade is best. Camellias are well suited for part shade. As far as transplanting them it depends on what you want to use them for. people use them in different ways for different things.
Reply:yes.get as much of the root ball as possible.winter.do not divide
Transplanting large, well established camellias.?
Best time is dormant season. Dig a norrow trench around camellia around the outer edge of main root ball area and flood with water for 2/3 days. Then dig out retaining as much soil as possible around root ball. Re plant in pre prepared hole. Flood area daily for 2/3 days
I have done this and had good success BUT be prepared for failure as it happens
Reply:DOn't move anything you are not prepared to risk losing. HAving said that though, ake a large rootball, do it when the plant is dormant, water it well for the first year after moving and you should be OK. If there is any wind, stake it well. Rocking in the wind is a real killer for plants. If you are desperate to keep something that has to move, establish some cuttings from it before you try to move it.
Reply:a matured landscape with plants like you've mentioned is not something you can 're-arrange' like you can a room in a house..... those plants are permanent and if you try to move them, you'll lose them... especially since you've little experience in gardening yet..... I've had a lot of garden experience and I wouldn't try it with any of the three you mentioned .......
Reply:Camellias prefer slightly acidic (Ph 6.0-6.5) and well drained but moist soil. If your garden soil doesn’t currently support the growth of camellias consider using an azalea potting mix in a large container and planting one of the more compact varieties mentioned below so you can still enjoy the graceful charm of the camellia without too much extra work. Camellia foliage will scald in full sun in hot summer weather so dappled shade is best. Camellias are well suited for part shade. As far as transplanting them it depends on what you want to use them for. people use them in different ways for different things.
Reply:yes.get as much of the root ball as possible.winter.do not divide
What is the signficance of putting sugar cubes in champagne? I think it's an Italian tradition.?
The characters in the 1987 movie "Moonstruck" toast the engagement with champagne. Vincent Gardenia (the father) puts sugar cubes in the flutes before serving them. Why?
What is the signficance of putting sugar cubes in champagne? I think it's an Italian tradition.?
It increases the effervescence and sweetness of the wine, and symbolizes the wish that your life will be the same - there is an "old wives tale" that says "never let the devil know your happy" so this is one way of insuring a happy wish and keeping it secret from the devil. - according to my bff grandma Luchetta
Reply:That makes it a champagne cocktail:
Sugar cubes - 1 per cocktail
Angostura bitters
Sparkling wine, ice cold
1 lemon twist per cocktail
1) Drop a sugar cube in each glass, then shake two or three dashes of bitters over the sugar cube. You want the cube to soak it up.
2) Gently pour the sparkling wine in the glass. Because of the bitters the wine will foam much more than usual. Just go slow.
3) Twist the lemon peel, rub it around the rim of the glass, then drop it into the champagne.
What is the signficance of putting sugar cubes in champagne? I think it's an Italian tradition.?
It increases the effervescence and sweetness of the wine, and symbolizes the wish that your life will be the same - there is an "old wives tale" that says "never let the devil know your happy" so this is one way of insuring a happy wish and keeping it secret from the devil. - according to my bff grandma Luchetta
Reply:That makes it a champagne cocktail:
Sugar cubes - 1 per cocktail
Angostura bitters
Sparkling wine, ice cold
1 lemon twist per cocktail
1) Drop a sugar cube in each glass, then shake two or three dashes of bitters over the sugar cube. You want the cube to soak it up.
2) Gently pour the sparkling wine in the glass. Because of the bitters the wine will foam much more than usual. Just go slow.
3) Twist the lemon peel, rub it around the rim of the glass, then drop it into the champagne.
I am starting a new business and am looking for people to buy my product. Homemade Bath Fizzers. interested?
I sell homemade bath fizzers. They are slightly larger than a golf ball and fizz up when you put them in the tub. I have 57 different scents and they are $1.00 a piece. You would pay actuall shipping for whatever you order. They scent the water and soften the skin. Homemade. Our scents are Baby Powder, Lilac, Lavender, French Lavender, Orange, Peach, Vanilla, Gardenia, Red Rose, Ocean, Lily, Vanilla Peach, Lily of the Valley, Peppermint, Violet, Pineapple, Hyacinth, Patchouli, Sandalwood, Lemon-Lime, Black Cherry, Honeysuckle, Jasmine, Pear, Strawberry, Cucumber pear, Sweet pea jasmine, Rainforest, Chamomile, Ylang Ylang, Pina Colada, Cucumber Melon, Tangerine, Root Beer, Cotton Candy, Cotton Blossom, Green Apple, Raspberry, Bubble gum, Chocolate, Musk, English Ivy, Cherry, Grape, Plumeria, Freesia, Unscented and Egyptian Musk. I need to sell as many as possible as fast as possible. Want to buy email and I will respond
I am starting a new business and am looking for people to buy my product. Homemade Bath Fizzers. interested?
You support my business I will support yours. I sell Arbonne...lol. We'll solicit each other.
I am starting a new business and am looking for people to buy my product. Homemade Bath Fizzers. interested?
You support my business I will support yours. I sell Arbonne...lol. We'll solicit each other.
My gardenias, will they make it?
Frost hit my gardenia bushes, They have new growth at the base, but the top is dead. Should I cut the dead off or just wait and see?
My gardenias, will they make it?
Wait a bit longer, see what the new growth does. When it is obvious that the plant above the growth is not producing then prune it back. I had the same problem with a lot of my plants this winter and this is advice that I got from my local nursery.
Reply:Get rid of the dead wood. Sprinkle Epsom Salts around the drip line and water in - inexpensive acid fertilizer they love. After bloom, take cuttings, they will root in water. have fun
lip balm
My gardenias, will they make it?
Wait a bit longer, see what the new growth does. When it is obvious that the plant above the growth is not producing then prune it back. I had the same problem with a lot of my plants this winter and this is advice that I got from my local nursery.
Reply:Get rid of the dead wood. Sprinkle Epsom Salts around the drip line and water in - inexpensive acid fertilizer they love. After bloom, take cuttings, they will root in water. have fun
Can gardenias be grown indoors?
Yes they can. Visit www.Logees.com for more cultural information. They have a new gardenia coming this fall called Gardenia Vietnam it is amazing!! You must visit this website!!!
Happy Gardening!
Can gardenias be grown indoors?
You bet. They like a sunny location. Mine are about to bloom. Oh, and they will root in water. cool!
Reply:Yes they can however mine loves the hot Florida sun! It has grown about 2 foot in 2 years. Give it the azalea plant food 4 x a year and bloom booster when it starts to bud.
Reply:grow very little.sun is the key as defined in seventh grade science class. this is why no redwoods live in caves and orange trees do no cover the sea floor.Sun sun sun as the saying goes.
Happy Gardening!
Can gardenias be grown indoors?
You bet. They like a sunny location. Mine are about to bloom. Oh, and they will root in water. cool!
Reply:Yes they can however mine loves the hot Florida sun! It has grown about 2 foot in 2 years. Give it the azalea plant food 4 x a year and bloom booster when it starts to bud.
Reply:grow very little.sun is the key as defined in seventh grade science class. this is why no redwoods live in caves and orange trees do no cover the sea floor.Sun sun sun as the saying goes.
My Gardenias have black leaves is this a fungus and how do I get rid of it?
A Yahoo search for "gardenia care" (include the quotation marks in the search box) yields 29,40 results. If you do the same search, and are willing to spend a little time exploring, I'm sure that you will quickly find the information you seek.
Good luck with your search.
My Gardenias have black leaves is this a fungus and how do I get rid of it?
Read the info above.
Sounds like Sooty Mold. I have had pretty good luck using a high powered hose nozzle on Gardenias. It has lessened the sooty mold and the plant is doing much better.
Good luck.
Reply:The black is a fungus...but the cause is an insect...
Sooty mold. black and Sticky is caused by several insects.
All sucking mouth part type insects.
Most often Aphids, mealy bug or scale.
All can be treated with a systemic insecticide and a direct spray of Horticultural Oil.
Take time to closely examine the plant to determine which of the insects that it is before you choose a pesticide! Some are more insect specific than others.
Good luck with your search.
My Gardenias have black leaves is this a fungus and how do I get rid of it?
Read the info above.
Sounds like Sooty Mold. I have had pretty good luck using a high powered hose nozzle on Gardenias. It has lessened the sooty mold and the plant is doing much better.
Good luck.
Reply:The black is a fungus...but the cause is an insect...
Sooty mold. black and Sticky is caused by several insects.
All sucking mouth part type insects.
Most often Aphids, mealy bug or scale.
All can be treated with a systemic insecticide and a direct spray of Horticultural Oil.
Take time to closely examine the plant to determine which of the insects that it is before you choose a pesticide! Some are more insect specific than others.
What would your heaven smell like?
If it were possible to create our own unique heaven, what would be the smells that floated around in it? Mine would be fresh laundry, gardenia, summertime, puppy breath and maybe a little skunk every now and again.
What would your heaven smell like?
Different rooms, or open spaces, each with different scents so that, I can move in and out and not become sensitized to my favorites.
Rooms would include... Lavendar, Jasmine, Earl Gray Tea, Melted Dark Chocolate, My wifes hair, my sons head when he was a baby, An Indian restaurant, mountain air, the air just after a fresh snowfall, Sushi, and the ability to add scents that I could just think of. :)
Reply:leather and chocolate, %26amp; Armani Black Code cologne
Reply:the smell right before the rain, beer, new car scent, natual smell of a women because women smell good and oranges
Reply:a bakery every thing form Cinnamon buns to apple pies hot crost bun .cakes. bread, backed goods.
Reply:sometimes fried chicken
sometimes ice cream
that's what my heaven smells like.
Reply:fresh mountain air, ocean breeze, and chocolate chip cookies...
Reply:White Shoulders perfume, brownies, cookies or bread baking, almost anything being cooked on stove top. Men's cologne, wine. Freshly powdered baby.
Reply:One of those pine tree car air freshners
Reply:My number one answer is my laundry, straight from the dryer. Mmm.
Reply:Pure air, no fumes, no chemicals and no odours. Just crisp clean unadulterated AIR.
Additionally, when I choose ... I'd also like
Jasmine - organic pure
Vanilla - Pure vanilla bean
Lime - pure and fresh
JUST Pure-fumes, Not perfumes
Thoughtful question =)
Reply:Whiskey, cigars, weed, women, ambergris, coffee, frying bacon, and broiled steaks....
Reply:A fresh ocean breeze, lavender, freshly cut grass after a rainfall. And men's cologne sniffed right off a warm neck.
Reply:It would smell green and fresh, like the inside of a greenhouse.
What would your heaven smell like?
Different rooms, or open spaces, each with different scents so that, I can move in and out and not become sensitized to my favorites.
Rooms would include... Lavendar, Jasmine, Earl Gray Tea, Melted Dark Chocolate, My wifes hair, my sons head when he was a baby, An Indian restaurant, mountain air, the air just after a fresh snowfall, Sushi, and the ability to add scents that I could just think of. :)
Reply:leather and chocolate, %26amp; Armani Black Code cologne
Reply:the smell right before the rain, beer, new car scent, natual smell of a women because women smell good and oranges
Reply:a bakery every thing form Cinnamon buns to apple pies hot crost bun .cakes. bread, backed goods.
Reply:sometimes fried chicken
sometimes ice cream
that's what my heaven smells like.
Reply:fresh mountain air, ocean breeze, and chocolate chip cookies...
Reply:White Shoulders perfume, brownies, cookies or bread baking, almost anything being cooked on stove top. Men's cologne, wine. Freshly powdered baby.
Reply:One of those pine tree car air freshners
Reply:My number one answer is my laundry, straight from the dryer. Mmm.
Reply:Pure air, no fumes, no chemicals and no odours. Just crisp clean unadulterated AIR.
Additionally, when I choose ... I'd also like
Jasmine - organic pure
Vanilla - Pure vanilla bean
Lime - pure and fresh
JUST Pure-fumes, Not perfumes
Thoughtful question =)
Reply:Whiskey, cigars, weed, women, ambergris, coffee, frying bacon, and broiled steaks....
Reply:A fresh ocean breeze, lavender, freshly cut grass after a rainfall. And men's cologne sniffed right off a warm neck.
Reply:It would smell green and fresh, like the inside of a greenhouse.
Why Are There So Many Plant & Tree Myths?
I have several Palm Trees %26amp; several Gardenias. I have read online %26amp; they make the claims that the Palm Trees %26amp; Gardenias will not live in my area. However I have them growing here so why the myths? My growing zone is 8a. I also have the Chinese Wind Mill Palm it's cold hardy down to 0 to -0.
Why Are There So Many Plant %26amp; Tree Myths?
Because there are a lot of people who think they know about things when they really dont.
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Why Are There So Many Plant %26amp; Tree Myths?
Because there are a lot of people who think they know about things when they really dont.
Decent makeup brands
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