Sunday, February 5, 2012

What causes a cats white blood count up, red down and liver and kidney damage?

My Cat Boo has lost a great deal of weight! I took him to the vet. and $150 later they still don't know what is wrong with him. Said his kidney has grown attached to the wall of his stomach.. His white blood count is up red down and something is wrong with his liver. He had a tepm of 104.2. I told the vet Boo had been eating a gardenia. I removed the plant from my house. I took Boo to the vet on Monday and Friday they put him on antibotics but they don't seem to be working! Does anyone have any Idea what could be wrong... Please help me save my Kittys life!!
What causes a cats white blood count up, red down and liver and kidney damage?
Boo probably needs some iv fluids to start with. They will help cleanse the system and rejuvenate him. How old is Boo. Older cats tend to experience liver and kidney failure. A temp of 104 is not good. Normal temperature is 101 - 102. I would try another vet.
Reply:Hmmm normally an eleveted count of white blood cells mean that there is some sort of infection. I don't think that the plant could have done it. Has he gotten into anything in the garage? I know they love antifreeze. THis would explain the kidney and liver problems. THis is a tough one. I wish I could help more.
Reply:I dont' know for sure but it sounds like he have kidney damage, which cats get frequently. Cats get very sick and there is very little they can do for them. I went through it with my beloved Bert who had feline AIDS. He stopped eating and his white AND red counts were way down. I could only give him a BABY aspirin every three days to relieve his constant pain, and finally after he had not touched food for two weeks, had the vet euthanize him to put him out of his misery. It was the hardest thing I have ever done but I know I helped Burt. He died peacefully instead of in terrible misery. He would put his face to the wall and cry. When cats do this it is time to put them to sleep.

Vets cannot do anything for a very sick cat and to try to prolong their suffering is wrong. I am so sorry. Please do the right thing. I still love and miss Burt very much. He would not have recovered and I took him to three vets.

Yours does sound like he has a very serious infection but if the antibiotics don't help prepare yourself mentally for the only help you can give the poor cat.
Reply:maybe your cat has ingested something which is poisonous to his system like seafoods or a rare plant.. a water therapy could be useful.. but cats usually resist water..or you better try detoxification by feeding him supplements..take him to the vet to check if there are signs of internal parasites or toxin producing organism inside him to avoid further complications..but i'm afraid it would really cost a bit of your bucks..hope he'll be ok..c",)
Reply:Limphoma may be the culprit. Often goes undiagnosed as it mimics many other things.
Reply:try restricting salts or other hazardous minerals from his diet

ask a doctor first and I'm SO sorry about your cat. i hope he gets better
Reply:What kind of cat is Boo, and how old? Kidney problems are more common in Persians, and older cats. If it was me I would get a second, or even a third opinion from another vet. This should not be an insult to your vet, because liver and kidney disorders are difficult to diagnose in cats. Could be that your vet has not yet experienced a cat with this problem. Perhaps Boo has anemia? I found some articles which I have linked below, that you may like to read for some help

Good luck, I hope your kitty gets better soon.
Reply:I would also suggest looking into diabetes,If the cat has been vomiting or has had diarrhea,those are signs of diabetes.Diabetes is very serious and can cause liver,and kidney damage.I would talk to your vet and make sure he did a glucose test to make sure that this could not be the problem.I myself suffer with diabetes so I know how hard it is to give shots, but for your cat you will have to be strong.

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