Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Is this normal?,,,?

I have a common gardenia and it's already about 4 years old, but recently the new leaf buds produced weird colored leaves, creamy yellow with green blotches and irregular leaf margins. Before it has purely dark green leaves and perfect margins. I feed it only once a month with diluted acid fertilizer. I water every other day and it is in full sun outside. I'm concerned that an ant hill has been constructed near its base. Is it the ants or just a form of mutation?
Is this normal?,,,?
I would suggest cutting the fertilizer back to no more than everyother month and maybe do a soil sample or use a ph meter and check the ph hope this helps.
Reply:not sure a 100% but once a month to fertilize sounds like a lot of acid,i do know that the acidity of the soil denotes the size and color of many plants,might want to check with your local garden for the ant,s there never good for any plants or any thing else.and there the oldest surviving thing on earth,..go figure
Reply:you may have a mutation. maybe it will come out prettier with more flowers wuth this mutation.

it ia only a mutation if it continuosly changes color until all the leaves are one vigreted color
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