Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Tips on Gardenias??

What have you found works for them? Better inside or out?? It is in a pot now, under a tree for 1/2 sun %26amp; 1/2 shade. I live in Las Vegas NV. Thank you for your help.
Tips on Gardenias??
Mine are outside in the ground, full sun. They like acid soil, epsom salts, water in with miracle gro. Cuttings root in water. They bloom early summer (now). Prune after bloom as they set buds for next season after blooming.

Sorry Joan, the gardenias around here are 20+ years old.
Reply:Gardenias are not the easiest plants to grow. Enjoy it while you can. We have had them outside and inside and no matter what we do for them, they do not live long lives.


"Gardenias grown indoors need special care. They demand an acid soil and should receive the same nutritional care as azaleas. Nighttime temperatures should be near 60°F and the humidity around the plant should be kept high. High temperature and low light intensity will result in flower bud drop. Gardenias are hardy in the warmest parts of Virginia, but will not reliably overwinter outside of Zone 7b."
Reply:I was an avid gardener for years here in New England, but never had the pleasure of growing gardenias. However, I have attached a link which I hope is of some help to you. Good luck.

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