Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Need title to book I read in grade twelve.?

Books main character was named Maggie(magnolia) and it was set in the south during the civil rights movement.This book is very intense.Her sister's name was Gardenia and she was a beauty queen.Maggie makes friends with the african americains and sees horrible things happen to her friends due to the civil rights movement (torture and beatings)Please help me i can't remeber much more it has been a long time.
Need title to book I read in grade twelve.?
Spite Fences by Trudy Krisher

Paperback: 288 pages

Publisher: Laurel Leaf (August 1, 1996)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0440220165

ISBN-13: 978-0440220169
Reply:Have you tried looking it up on the net or going to the local library?
Reply:Going After Cacciato by Tim O’Brien ?
Reply:It was called "Under Your Window" by a man named Isador Peter Knightly. Fabulous liquid prose and a golden warm touch with imagery has made this volume a favorite of children such as yourself for ever since Atlanta was deservedly razed.

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